FCP X 10.1.4 keeps quiting
I've just updated to FCP X 10.1.4 and the app keeps quitting after 30 seconds.
Un-installing and re-installing hasn't fixed the problem.
OSX 10.9.5
Any ideas???
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
I've just updated to FCP X 10.1.4 and the app keeps quitting after 30 seconds.
Un-installing and re-installing hasn't fixed the problem.
OSX 10.9.5
Any ideas???
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
FCpx 10.1.4 will only run on Yosemite.
Sure about that? Tech specs are still showing 10.9.2 or later.
Might trying trashing prefs first.
Now I am not sure anymore Tom.
Actually, it will run just fine in Mavericks. There are reasons to suspect this will be the last version to run in Mavericks, with MXF support. So that broadcasters who aren't going to update OS's for some time, can switch to FCPX easily and be supported. I know a few Macs with Mavericks running just fine with 10.1.4.
Thanks for the helpful responses.
I found that by ejecting my 3TB RAID FPC X 10.1.4 on Mavericks ran just fine.
After backing up the files I reformatted the RAID and now everything is just fine.
FCP X 10.1.4 keeps quiting