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Windows 8.1 with .mov files crashing

I have spent 12 hours with the so called professionals at Microsoft trying to get my daughters laptop to open .mov files.

This is as I write an unresolved issue that a tier 2 technician is supposed to be responding to today 05/01/15.

Although unresolved it made me wonder if this problem is unique to windows 8.1.

The answer would seem to be NO.

I booted up my old desktop PC running windows 7 32 bit with media player 11.

Guess what. The files don't crash the explorer window or indeed media player, although they will not open either.

As these files have been on my desktop for maybe two years I have to ask is this due to some update posted by either Microsoft or Apple as part of a compatibility enhancement?

I cannot be certain, but I feel sure they used to open with no problem at all.

Apple or Microsoft?

I will keep you posted as to the outcome of my discussion with Microsoft.

In the meantime has anyone else had a similar issue and managed to resolve it?

Posted on Jan 4, 2015 5:52 PM

21 replies
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Feb 12, 2015 5:04 AM in response to SCGH

Here is the link to the 12 page long thread about mfmp4srcsnk.dll crashing due to .mov files from apple devices on Windows.

http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-files/mfmp4srcsnkdll -crashing-when-mov-file-is-selected/83b68537-658c-4920-96c4-2f7da8a3bfaf?page=12 &msgId=e374c4e8-774a-4033-8bd0-c77886003cde


Feb 12, 2015 6:15 AM in response to SCGH

I wonder if it's one of those things that only affects certain hardware. Mountain Lion had a terrible color issue that showed up on only a very small percentage of Macs (like both of our Mac Pros).

It sure seems to be that update KB2975719 is the issue for those with the problem. Though as others state, certain third party software could also be the issue. Looks like it's going to be one of those things that is hard to nail down as the actual source.

It was particularly interesting that the one person had install Win 8 from scratch, applied the 8.1 update, and then the rest of the available updates. So the system is completely clean, no third party software installed and no modifications. And yet, .mov files still crash.

For some, removing the KB... update didn't help, but neutering the system file mfmp4srcsnk.dll by appending .OLD (or basically anything else to the name) did. I don't know if that .dll is part of the same KB2975719 update.


May 2, 2015 9:27 AM in response to Jacumba

This isn't the only thread on the topic - most people assume it's just a Microsoft issue, and the Microsoft forums and various other independent forums are full of it. There are dozens of suggested workarounds, many of which I've tried, most of which either don't work, work for five minutes and then don't work until you do them again, or completely **** up your system. Or involve downloading mystery software from shady sources.

It's pathetic. Apple and Microsoft should have their heads banged together. FFS this is the 21st century!!!


Jul 20, 2015 2:37 AM in response to Kurt Lang

I have been trying to fix this for the last few days.

Explorer would crash so i couldn't even look at the files.

I did find a bit of a fix though using Handbrake and converting the files to a MP4 so at least i can view them and explorer stops crashing. Tonight's job is to batch all the files and let it run overnight.


Dec 10, 2015 3:12 AM in response to MIW63


I have had the same problem with the same frustration with family videos for 2+ years.

I have developed a work around:

In the directory one (or more) levels higher, use the search box to find "*.mov". All the mov files are listed without crashing, and you can then do most operations with them, such as cut or drag & drop. This technique also works with most applications which use the normal file explorer DLLs to find files. However, i have bought a file converter to create .mp4 copies.

DOS command box works fine with .mov files as well. And there is a START command which starts that file in its default program.


Windows 8.1 with .mov files crashing

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