Converting from Mac Entourage e-mail to a PST file for import into Mac Outlook 2016
Purchase SYSTOOLS’ “SysTools Mac MBOX Converter” and install.
Runs on a Mac, is a little pricey for a one-trick pony, but it does work.
From within Entourage, export the mailbox – resulting output will be “Main Identity.rge” file.
Right-click or <Opt><RC> on the Main Identity file and select Show Package Contents.
E-mail is in Mail/On My Computer/ (Folders listed below)
Deleted Items, Drafts, Inbox, Junk E-mail, Saved Messages, Sent Items
Within each of the mailbox folders listed above is its respective .mbox file.
Right-click on ‘Mail’, or on ‘On my Computer’, or the desired mailbox and select Copy.
On the Desktop, right-click Paste, then just close the Finder window that is showing the Entourage Package Contents (you can always re-open it the same way). Do not delete the Main Identity file as you may struggle initially or need to retrieve deleted e-mails you originally thought you don’t need.
Note: You could import the mbox file(s) directly into Mac Mail if you so desire.
Create a folder on the Desktop where you will ultimately save the PST file(s) to.
Run Mac MBOX Converter and follow these basic steps until you get the hang of it.
From the choices listed on the right side, select Add File(s) and navigate to the desired mbox file and select it and then select the Open button.
Select the Next button and make sure PST is selected and the filter dates are the desired beginning and ending date range.
Select the Browse button to select your destination path for the resulting PST file.
Select the Export button and observe the status.
When complete, in Outlook select the File menu > Import and navigate to your PST file.
Outlook will create PST folder under On My Computer. Within the folder will be 6 other folders, but all the imported e-mails will be in the Mails folder.
You can highlight and drag e-mails to desired location mailbox or folder locations, rename folders, etc.
Note: If you have multiple Entourage folders and sub-folders, it will take a while to recreate everything as you may have had it set up in Entourage. It will be cumbersome at first, but you’ll establish a rhythm and it will eventually go much quicker. Remember to retain the Main Identify file.