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How do I open a quicken qfx file on my mac and import it into numbers

I have numbers 3.5.2 (2118) and would like to be able to open qfx files that i download from citibank to keep track of my expenditures.

Numbers does not load them, but at some point it used to.

Thanks for any help

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), last.fm audioscrobbler

Posted on Feb 27, 2015 7:13 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Feb 27, 2015 7:15 AM

you have to use Numbers '09. This was dropped in Numbers 3.x

32 replies

Feb 28, 2015 10:36 AM in response to jserenson

It occurs to me that you might have a Citibank bank account and not a Citibank credit card for the current transactions that you want to download. As I personally do not have a bank account with Citibank, I can not log on and simulate your situation.

If you are truly limited to only two download choices, which includes QFX for Quicken, I suggest you purchase the qfx2csv converter from MoneyThumb:


They have many differerent converters for both Mac and Windows.

I use two of their other converters and they are lifesavers for my monthly imports into Quicken 2007 for Mac, including American Express, which earlier last year eliminated QIF as an export option! So I convert from csv to qif.

Mar 1, 2015 12:22 AM in response to t quinn

t quinn wrote:

Hi Michael,

Google is your friend. It will be easy.


With all due respect, my friend, I did a Google search and came up with downloads for version 3.5; not the version 2.3 that Wayne indicates will open QFX files. Hence why I asked Wayne for the direct download link.

Now tell me, quinn, you did not take time away from your busy day, just to join this thread for the first time and tell me that without first doing a Google search yourself and seeing the link for the version 2.3 download; but you wanted to provoke an intellectual challenge!?!

Mar 1, 2015 12:47 AM in response to MlchaelLAX

Hi Michael,

I did the same a while ago. It was easy.

Numbers 2.3 and Numbers '09 are the same. Part of iWork '09. Googling "numbers 09 trial" offered numerous links including



I don't know why that was hard for you.

Keep in mind that you will need to upgrade these once you have them installed.


Mar 1, 2015 12:58 AM in response to t quinn

t quinn wrote:

I don't know why that was hard for you.

Wayne indicated that Numbers '09 version 2.3 would open QFX files, but version 3.5 no longer contains that capability.

I indicated that I would like to download and try out Numbers version 2.3.

You now, for the first time on this thread, indicate that Numbers '09 version 2.3 is part of iWork '09 and both of those downloads you posted are links to iWorks '09 that you found by doing a Google search for iWorks '09

Do you really have to explain at any more length why that was hard for me?!?

Thank you for the download links to iWorks '09! Wouldn't it have just been much easier for both of us for you to just post those links in your first post and not imply I was ignorant of how to use Google?

Mar 1, 2015 1:47 AM in response to Wayne Contello

Wayne Contello wrote:

you have to use Numbers '09. This was dropped in Numbers 3.x

Indeed, using the trial version of Numbers 2.3, it easily opens my QFX files into easily readable spreadsheets! 🙂

User uploaded file

Good to know that this tool exists. Since I already purchased two of the MoneyThumb converters for my purposes (importing into Quicken 2007 for Mac), it is doubtful I will have a need to purchase the license for Numbers '09.

Mar 1, 2015 6:23 AM in response to jserenson

Some while back I wrote a script that places the content of QFX/OFX files on the clipboard for easy import into Numbers 3.x. Tested with Citibank files. It may need minor modification for files produced by other banks.


  1. Copy-paste into Script Editor (in Applications > Utilities
  2. Run, and choose the file at the prompt.
  3. Click once in a Numbers cell, and command-v to paste.


--beginning of script


Purpose: Place contents of OFX or QFX financial file to clipboard for pasting into Numbers 3.

Usage: Right click a file in Finder, choose OFX to Clipboard in services, paste when done in an existing table.

Note: May need adjusting to a particular bank's format.

Another note: For big files it needs a few minutes to process.

--SGIII, v1.0b, 201402


set f to choose file with prompt "Choose OFX or QFX file" of type {"OFX", "QFX"}

set tt to read f as «class utf8»


--remove unneeded parts and empty lines that complicate parsing

set cTxt to chopText(tt) --remove header and footer stuff

if text of cTxt contains "><" then set cTxt to addLR(cTxt) -- add line returns if ofx file omitted them

set xmlList to stripEmpties(cTxt) -- remove empty lines

--convert ofx to "true" xml format by adding closing tags

repeat with i from 1 to count of xmlList

set theItem to item i of xmlList

set itemi of xmlList to closeTag(theItem) --add closing tag

end repeat

on error

display alert "Check format of OFX or QFX file. May need to adjust script" buttons "Cancel"

end try

--write xml to temporary file -- System Events xml parser will read it from there

set xmlData to printList(xmlList)

set xmlFile to ((path todesktopastext) & "temp.xml") -- "<Computer>:Users:<username>:Desktop:temp.xml"


set f to open for accessfilexmlFile with write permission


close accessf

on error


close accessfilexmlFile

end try

end try

display notification "Parsing " & length of xmlList & " pieces of data. May take a few minutes. There will be another notice when done." with title "System Events"

--parse the xml file with the xml parser built into System Events

set tsvString to "Amount" & tab & "Date" & tab & "Type" & tab & "Check Number" & tab & ¬

"Payee Name" & tab & "Memo" & return--header row --> set to "" if don't need headers


tell application "System Events"

tell XML element "BANKTRANLIST" of contents of XML file xmlFile

repeat with thisElement from 3 to (count of XML elements) -- 1 ,2 are DTSTART, DTEND - so start with 3

tell XML elementthisElement

set amount to value of its (XML elements whose name is "TRNAMT") as string

set trdate to my dateIfy(value of its (XML elements whose name is "DTPOSTED") as string)

set trtype to value of its (XML elements whose name is "TRNTYPE") as string

set checkno to value of its (XML elements whose name is "CHECKNUM") as string

set payee to value of its (XML elements whose name is "NAME") as string

set memo to value of its (XML elements whose name is "MEMO") as string

--add new line to the tsvString:

set tsvString to tsvString & amount & tab & trdate & tab & trtype & tab & checkno & tab & ¬

payee & tab & memo & return

end tell

end repeat

end tell

end tell

on error

error "System Events parser couldn't handle this one. Check format of OFX or QFX source file and adjust script. Check temp.xml (in Trash) for clues of what might have gone wrong."

end try

set the clipboard totsvString

display notification "(Finally) ready to paste " & (count of paragraphs of tsvString) - 1 & " rows into Numbers" with title "Numbers"

--finally trash the temporary file

tell application "Finder"


end tell

----------------handlers -----------------

to dateIfy(s) --insert - and trim so Numbers can recognize as date

set s to text 1 thru 4 of s & "-" & text 5 thru 6 of s & "-" & text 7 thru 8 of s

return s

end dateIfy

to printList(aList) -- convert list to text for writing to file

set text item delimiters to return

set printOut to aList as string

set text item delimiters to ""

return printOut

end printList

to chopText(tt) --keep only between <BANKTRANLIST> AND </BANKTRANLIST>

set oTid to AppleScript'stext item delimiters

set AppleScript'stext item delimiters to "<BANKTRANLIST>"

set tt2 to "<BANKTRANLIST>" & text item 2 of tt --chop off head

set AppleScript'stext item delimiters to "</BANKTRANLIST>"

set tt2 to text item 1 of tt2 & "</BANKTRANLIST>" --chop off tail

set AppleScript'stext item delimiters to oTid

return tt2

end chopText

to addLR(tt) --add returns if omitted in compressed ofx

set tt to findReplace(tt, "<", "


end addLR

to stripEmpties(tt) -- text in, list out

set ttParas to paragraphs of tt--loads each line as a list item

set xmlList to {}

repeat with i from 1 to count of ttParas

set thisPara to itemi of ttParas

set isNotEmpty to text of thisPara is not ""

if isNotEmpty then set end of xmlList to thisPara

end repeat

return xmlList

end stripEmpties

to closeTag(s) --add closing tag omitted in ofx

if item -1 of s is not ">" then --if already closed

set oTid to AppleScript'stext item delimiters

set AppleScript'stext item delimiters to ">"

set oTag to text item 1 of s & ">"

set tagValue to text item 2 of s

set cTag to "</" & text 2 thru -1 of oTag

set s to oTag & tagValue & cTag

set AppleScript'stext item delimiters to oTid

return s


return s

end if

end closeTag

on findReplace(tt, f, r)

set oTid to AppleScript'stext item delimiters

considering case

set AppleScript'stext item delimiters to f

set lst to every text item of tt

set AppleScript'stext item delimiters to r

set tt to lst as string

end considering

set AppleScript'stext item delimiters to oTid

return tt

end findReplace

--end script

How do I open a quicken qfx file on my mac and import it into numbers

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