GPS data not available to apps after iOS 8.3 update
I'm using a Wi-Fi only iPad with remote GPS connected via bluetooth (Bad Elf GPS Pro). Following update to 8.3, the GPS position data from the Bad Elf receiver is not available to other apps on the iPad that require it (in particular, Seattle Avionics FlyQ efb). Bad Elf bluetooth connection is good, and the GPS position data is displayed on the iPad using the Bad Elf accessory app, but it appears to not be available to the FlyQ app. Spent hours with tech support and other paths trying to fix this problem, including reloading iOS 8.3 update and applications, and even bought a new Bad Elf GPS receiver. I think this is a fairly common hardware/software combination (Wi-Fi only iPad, Bad Elf GPS, FlyQ app) for private aircraft pilots, so would expect others to be seeing the same problem (unless they were smarter than I was, and delayed updating their OS). Have others experienced this problem or found a solution? Quite frustrating, as navigation is the primary use for my iPad.
iPad (4th gen) Wi-Fi, iOS 8.3