Thanks so much. I've now got both versions of Pages in my Applications folder - Pages'09 V4.2(1008) and Pages 6.0.8. They are both in my dock with the same icon, but when I actually launch 6.0.8 the icon changes to the modern one. (Strange, but that's fine.)
I shall follow your advice and leave my Pages'09 documents as they are, at least for the time being, and just use Version 6 for files I need to share with my iPad, which isn't very many, and, as you suggest, keep both versions and add a marker to the V6 ones. I'll also make sure that I keep long-life files (like family history research) in rtf versions, which I presume will continue to be openable even if Pages vanishes altogether. If I do decide to go over to V6 altogether, you suggest "batch naming" the '09 files. How do I do that?
I had to go through quite a process to get V6. I bought '09 years ago, setting up an AppleID which was just my name - plus password. Then later on when it became obligatory for the AppleID to be an email address, I set one up with my email address and a new password, which is what I now normally use. When I tried to get the Pages update, AppStore told me I couldn't do so because someone else had bought Pages, or it had been returned and refunded. I even tried deleting Pages and trying to buy it again, and still got the same message. I somehow (can't remember how) managed to get into AppStore with my old AppleID and password, and it happily gave me the updates for Pages, Numbers and two or three other Apps. However, now whenever I launch AppStore, it offers me my old ID. I've tried going onto the "edit appleID" page and resetting it to my new ID, but it makes no difference, AppStore still offers me the old one. I'm happy to live with two appleIDs, but I do need to be able to get to both. Can you suggest how I can do that?
Sorry to keep on with more problems - I really do appreciate your advice