Unapproved caller : Security Agent may only be invoked by Apple Software
Since I Upgraded to Yosemite I encounter regularly a strong annoyance :
After running for a while when I try one of the following actions :
Open keychain item
Repair permissions
Open an encrypted email
Change preferences in the panel
Log in iMessages
Log in iTunes / download Apps
And a lot of other actions
On my iMac, Yosemite Pop Up with the following message : "Unapproved caller : Security Agent may only be invoked by Apple Software"
And I can't do anything, message quits often, I can't don any of the actions listed , I almost can't work anymore with my Mac.
The only thing I can do is to restart and then I am able to work normally for a while.
I was wondering if it is a Yosemite bug ? Or if it could be a kind of trojan ? Or if it is a bad install ?
If anyone get the answer and has a solution to repair this problem thank you in advance.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)