Under iOS 8.3 with iPhone 6, GPS now works perfectly across all apps in Airplane Mode even with Wifi and Bluetooth turned off. Is this a new feature?
Beginning with the iOS update to 8.3, my iPhone 6 GPS now works in Airplane Mode.
This is a huge new feature, but the lack of documentation makes me wonder if it is a glitch or something done on purpose?
By allowing the GPS radio to work in Airplane Mode, those of us who use the phone as a GPS device when hiking, biking, etc. in areas with little or no cell reception, can save battery by enabling Airplane Mode, while continuing to use GPS.
I realized this in the bottom of the Grand Canyon last week. There is no service, no wifi, no bluetooth ... nothing down there. My phone was in Airplane Mode, and all the photos I took were correctly geocoded. So the built-in Photos app used Location Services (in this case ONLY GPS) to correctly geocode my photos.
I tested it again with third-party map apps over the weekend and Location Services locates me correctly on cached maps and correctly recorded a GPS track while hiking for over 6 hours in airplane mode in a no-service area.
This experience is contrary to everything I have read about how iOS handles GPS and Airplane Mode ... as well as many reports that the GPS chip is actually part of the cellular chip which would make it impossible to activate when in Airplane Mode.
Please tell me this is a new feature! It has been my biggest complaint on iOS vs other devices which have no problem running GPS apps in Airplane Mode!