do itunes gift card credit expires after you have redeemed?
do itunes gift card credit expires after you have redeemed?
iPhone 4, iOS 6.1.3
do itunes gift card credit expires after you have redeemed?
iPhone 4, iOS 6.1.3
yelims99 wrote:
do itunes gift card credit expires after you have redeemed?
No. When you redeem the card, the full amount will be added as a credit balance to the account you used for the redemption. That credit will stay in your account until you spend it.
yelims99 wrote:
do itunes gift card credit expires after you have redeemed?
No. When you redeem the card, the full amount will be added as a credit balance to the account you used for the redemption. That credit will stay in your account until you spend it.
I just entered my account to make a purchase with credit I have had on my account for some time (may be close to two years, I don't really remember). I opened my account and saw my credit was there at the top of the screen. I searched for music and went to click buy and suddenly my credit was not posted on my account anymore and iTunes wants to charge my credit card. I cannot find a record of my credit anywhere. If credit doesn't expire, anybody know where it went?
Not quite sure what you mean. Are you asking if the card reduces in available value in line with the purchases you have made? Like the original value was $25; you spend $10; available for purchases $15. If so, the answer is yes. And yes, when you have used all the original value, the card expires.
do itunes gift card credit expires after you have redeemed?