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mac pro late 2013 freezes with spinning wheel

i bought a mac pro (late 2013) 50 days ago, os is yosemite 10.10.3. I often get the spinning wheel of death and the mac freezes, i.e. it doesn't react to mouse click or keyboard. it happens on average 1 time a day. When it happens i have to restart the machine by pressing the computer's power button.

I have already contacted apple support by phone, i have made many reset operations under their control, but nothing changed.

After the restart, when i examine the console log the last message before the reboot is often the following one

windowserver: surface testing disallowed updates for 10 sequential attempts

By searching this message on google i found that the problem might be related with the energy saving settings, i.e. it happens when the mac wakes from sleep. So i changed those settings to prevent the mac going on stop state, and today the problem did not happen, but i'm not sure what wil happen tomorrow ... so i'm looking for information/advice about this kind of problem.

Mac Pro (Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.3)

Posted on May 16, 2015 12:19 PM

213 replies

Jun 22, 2016 12:33 AM in response to maxcarella

the computer has worked 13 days without freezings. At the 11-th day i decided to replace the apple mouse with a logitech, because i don't like apple mouse. Then at the 13-th day the freezing came. Yesterday night (15-th day) another freezing. So i switched again to apple mouse (and default mouse config, and apple keyboard) and let's see .... .

Jul 13, 2016 6:47 AM in response to mauro16

Hey guys, unfortunately I have the same issue:

mac pro 2013 with d300 cards. I got a few spinning wheels freezes in two months and the machine it's currently at the Genius Bar for repair.

I'll let you know how it goes, even if by reading your reports I'm loosing hope.

What should we do if Apple can't fix the issue? I've dropped 4500 Euros on this machine, I'm quite upset with the situation.

Jul 15, 2016 2:08 AM in response to Mac_Pro_2013_User

If apple cannot fix it and doesn't replace the computer i suppose you have to go to a lawyer. I was also thinking to do this, but after they replaced the cpu riser card thing are going a bit better. I had to uninstall dropbox and now 7 days have passed since the last freezing, i'm still not sure how to evaluate the situation. If freezings come less than 1 time per week can this be an hardware problem? Could they be able to discover where it is?

Jul 16, 2016 5:00 AM in response to mauro16

I think I've read somewhere that this freezing started with Yosemite, so we should pray for an OS update that will fix it. That would explain the reason why replacing cards or other components is not working at all.

I'll wait for my mac pro to be "repaired" and I think I'll live with it. I can't afford not to work for so long and I don't wanna take it to the Apple Store every month.

For sure, Apple lost a customer, here.

Jul 16, 2016 5:27 AM in response to Mac_Pro_2013_User

i've made all updates for 1 year and 4 months. So now i'm running el capitan 10.11.5. The freezing behavior is the same under all versions of yosemite and el capitan starting from march 2015. I don't think this affects all mac pro late 2013 computers, so it should be an hardware problem and apple should replace or refund my computer, given they aren't able to repair it (I took the mac 5 times to an apple service provider, and to 3 different providers). I don't know what is the percentage of 'lemons' within late 2013 mac pros, but i know for sure some lemon exist, simply because my one is a lemon.

Jul 16, 2016 3:00 PM in response to mauro16

Hi everybody

Sorry upfront for the long story, but I’m really done at this point and felt the need to write a all this down as some sort of therapy to help me overcome this situation and obviously also to hopefully help others in my same situation.

I’m Spanish, so please forgive any possible errors or funny expressions. I tried my best here.

The background

I bought my Mac Pro 6.1 (late 2013) on May 28th 2015, basically because of my great experience with both, my first MacPro 1.1 (which I bought back in 2007) and my mid 2011 MacBook Pro. I work with PC’s and Mac’s since the early 90’s and got deeper in to Apple’s eco system from 2006 on. Always preaching and spreading the word of how better Apples system are compared to other systems out there, so you could say I’m basically an “Apple Evangelist” who convinced many people to jump over to Mac whenever I was asked about what to go for in technology. I didn’t doubt to point out Apple because of it’s ease of use and reliability.

The problem

My MacPro started to suffer this freezing problems more frequently during March 2016. Basically the machine would freeze without being exposed to any processor intensive tasks and the only way to get it again up and running was pressing the power button for a couple of seconds. If I was listening to music using iTunes during a freezing, sound would still come out of the speakers, but the machine would just show the color beach ball cursos and wouldn’t respond at all to any action.

Seeking for a solution

I googled and found many other users pointing out the same kind of issue. I also searched Apple user forums and found a few very long threads on which other Mac Pro 6.1 (late 2013) owners seemed to suffer the same kind of freezings I was experiencing. I tried a couple of things mentioned in the threads in the hope of getting rid of the problem and to avoid the hassle and time spending task of taking my machine to an Apple store, unfortunately with no luck.

First repair

On March 31st 2016, I finally decided to take my Mac Pro to the nearest Apple Store (1 hour driving). I moved my working files and some software I use like “Billings” and other stuff to my older MBP to keep on working and made up a shared Evernote file with all the videos, screen-shots, log files and detailed info about when and on which circumstances this was happening in order to help them find the problem sooner. Many of us posted log files showing the exact same GPU errors after freezings, so I thought this would be enough to help them out.

When I exposed my problem to the Genius, they told me that they had no information about any problems at all with any GPU’s like mine or any others and that it was the first time that any one brought in a MacPro 6.1 for repairing. I showed him some posts on my phone talking about a replacement program Apple started a few months ago, due some AMD500 and AMD700 fails. After a deeper look in to his iPad, he finally found some references to this problem and told me that there was nothing regarding my model of GPU’s AMD300, but decided to run through some hardware tests right in front of me connecting my Mac to a thunderbolt monitor and an external drive to access some special tools they use for this purpose. After some tests showing no problem at all, they registered my machine and gave me an authorization paper to replace both AMD300 GPU’s.

It wasn’t until April 12th 2016 that someone rang me to tell me that both AMD300 card’s would be replaced due to the fact that they experienced problems after replacing one of the cards and therefore they decided to replace both cards to ensure the best solution to the problem.

Second repair

During the following weeks after picking up my MacPro with both AMD300 GPU’s replaced, I suffered new freezings under different circumstances, some times just using Safari and Numbers and one time using Illustrator. Not intensive processor task at all as you can see. I made a screen video with my phone and updated my Evernote folder and shared it again with the Apple Store.

It wasn’t until May 17th 2016, that I could manage to move again over to my older MBP to prepare myself to get rid of my MacPro for a second time and take it back to the Apple Store. This time the Authorization document they gave me showed two AMD700 cards to replace. I have no idea why.

After a couple of weeks without any news from the Apple Store at all, again, it was me who had to take action and wrote an e-mail and left a message on the phone. A few hours later a genius rang me back to tell me that they were not able to reproduce the problem and that I could pick up my Mac Pro. This was on Saturday the 28th of May and my first year warranty was over.

I asked a friend to come with me as I was not happy at all with the outcome and the fact that no one contacted me since the 17th of May. I wasn’t happy at all with the situation and thought it would be wise to go to the Apple Store accompanied by another person.

When we arrived I told them that I was refusing to pick up my Mac Pro because of two reasons, one, the machine would still freeze and second, during this second checking period I was out of the one year warranty and without Apple Care so I wasn’t happy going back home with a defect Mac Pro out of warranty. I learned by then that I wasn’t able to purchase Apple Care as the first year purchase period was over. To be honest I never felt the need to purchase Apple Care.

They told me that there was nothing else they could do and that there was no fix to apply to a non existing problem. If this was the case, I said I would like to have a renewed warranty. All I got was i peace of paper stating that the machine was fine and showed no problems on any of the processor intensive stress test they exposed the machine to during the whole repairing period which took them from May 17th until May 31st 2016 to come to this conclusion. I honestly don’t think this much time is needed to come to the conclusion and forgive me, but I don’t believe or even want to believe that they have been putting my MacPro during all this days under stress tests. I haven’t used that much my processors for my own work.

At this point I explained that this solution was not satisfactory to me at all and asked them to provide me to with a customer complaint form. The manager came out and asked me why I was asking for the complaint form. He said he wouldn’t refuse to provide me with the form, but he would like to hear the background of the story to see if there was something else he could make, so I did. I explained the whole story and pointed out that I didn’t want to go back home with a machine out of warranty which was going to still cause me problems and that no one was offering me any other solution, so all I had left was the possibility of putting all this on writing as an official proof of the whole situation. At this point I was prepared to call others in my same situation to start a class action if needed. The genius who was dealing with my checking out process, proposed then a whole new solution, which was to send my Mac Pro to California to get it test by experts who may find the problem and a possible solution. It wasn’t the manager by the way. The manager just said that he couldn’t provide any solution to a non existing problem. They warned me although that this could well take over a month or even more, due to the fact that they had to send it tu US. I said fine, anything but taking it back home in this situation and already out of warranty. For me it was the less worse solution and worth the time. I also said that if they would find the problem, many other users would benefit from it, as I wasn’t the only one affected by this issue. I decide not to fill out the complaint form, which I now deeply regret.

To my surprise I had to find out later at home that despite not going through the checking out process and not signing any document, internally they closed the current repair process and opened a new one dated on May 31st instead of leaving the date of May 17th. Didn’t feel confortable at all with this.

After a few days I rang to give them what I thought could be some important information about a possible reason for the freezings just to help out. I told the that it seemed for what i could read in new posts, that other users using a Logitech mouse like me, think this could be the problem. Thankfully the same genius who took part of my talks with the manager, was the one who took my call and told me that she was taking already care of the processes to send my machine to California.

Again, after 30 days without any news from the Apple store I wrote an e-mail asking for an update about the my MacPro. I asked in my mail if the machine was still in California. To my surprise “again”, they rang me immediately and told me that I must have misunderstood their proposal as the machine hadn’t been send to California at all, but instead they were testings my Mac with supervision of technicians from Apple in California (When I told my friend who came with me that day, what they told me about having misunderstood their proposal, he couldn’t believe it). They also told me that they were not able to reproduce the error and that it might be caused by the use of non original Adobe Software and that I should open threads with third part companies to find a possible solution. At this point I had enough. I'm an Adobe Creative Cloud Member user and don't use illegal software I had to point out. I also told the genius that the machine freezes just using iTunes or even just Safari and they seem to put my machine under a lot of stress tests which I guess made my whole hardware 3 years old in just one month without any need. I also don’t understand why they don’t check my machine under some different circumstances, like using HDMI monitor different to Apple Thunderbolt Monitor or a different mouse. They asked if I was using a Thunderbolt monitor, which i’m not, and that maybe the fact that I was using a none official Apple hdmi to dvi cable and a Belkin Thunderbold to female hdmi adaptor, could be causing the freezes. Might be, but i’m using the exact same cable and Belkin adaptor on my 2011 MBP since I took my Mac Pro back to the Apple Store over a month ago and had not even one problem with this machine.

Current situation

Almost over a week since my last conversation on the phone with Apple Store “La Condomina” in Murcia, Spain and no news. My next action is to send a certified letter with this exact text to Apple Madrid Headquarters to inform them about the whole case. By the way, I couldn’t find any contact info of this headquarters office in Madrid in any of the official Apple web pages or googling the web. I got the info from a friend who worked in Madrid for a big company and got this info to solve a problem he had in the past. I hope this next step will give me better results than all the previos actions. In the event of a unsatisfactory outcome I would be happy to join a class action against Apple.

At this point it’s worth pointing out that all the conversations held, both by phone or personally with any Apple staff member at the Apple store, developed in the most cordially way on both sides. Always offering their service and help on any further assistance I may require in the future, which I have to be thankfull for, but obviously not a solution to my problem.


In light of the foregoing, all I’m asking for at this stage is for a new Mac Pro, fully functional and without any problems, as I was used to by my previous purchased Mac’s, or a refund.

Thank you for reading me.


Jul 17, 2016 9:00 AM in response to albertouch

Hello, here is what i did and got mine replaced. I took it to the store several times over a 2 month span once they kept it for a few days and couldn’t get it to fail their tests. I talked each time about the recall on the d700 and said I don’t think it is limited to that specific card (mine is a d300) I had also referenced threads like this while talking to the techs. Next took it again and they ran the tests in front of me and i expresses that there is an issue they did some more looking and said they would replace the logic and IO board. After that the cpu and ram where the only original parts. About 2 weeks after that and some false hope... it froze again. Took it to a different store and we hooked it up and the tech started his tests then went to talk to someone and while he was gone it locked up (I was so happy!!) right there so they can see i wasn’t making it up. he went to talk to a manager and came back with a brand new one told me the warranty a full year on it, all i had to do was sign that i accept the repair (exchange) and transfer my apple care to the new machine and give my old one back after i made them wipe it in front of me at the store. That was early this year like February or March I’m not digging the paper work out today.

Jul 20, 2016 7:16 AM in response to albertouch

I've noticed something interesting about the "GPU appears to be hung" issue. My late 2013 Mac Pro (made in early 2016) was freezing about once a day. But for the past few weeks I've been using Arq to back up terabytes of data to cloud servers, and it would go at least a week without freezing. I don't know if this is because I never let the machine sleep when I wasn't using it or because the continual uploads somehow kept this issue from happening. Anyway, I'd be interested to know if anyone has noticed anything similar.

Jul 20, 2016 7:51 AM in response to SFX Machine

in my experience the issue does not require to put the machine in sleep, it has happened for instance when i was watching a video on youtube. It is more likely to happen during interactive use of the browser or other sw (eg. word or textpad in my case) than when the computer is doing some operation and no interaction happens.

It seems easier to produce the issue with frequent interactive use of the computer than by putting the computer under stressful activities, but in the end i'm not totally sure of this.

Jul 20, 2016 1:25 PM in response to mauro16

In regards to how common this problem is, I don't know but I bought one new from authorized seller last year that would freeze at least once daily. That one was returned to seller and exchanged for another brand new. The replacement was better and at first did not freeze up for a couple of weeks. Then it started. All the same symptoms described in this thread as well as many other threads on several different forums.

One time I removed Adobe Flash player which seemed to have fixed the problem, but alas the freezing resumed and continued, although less often.

At this point, I have given up on the Mac Pro and it just sits in the corner until Apple has a fix.

I'm now using my old mac mini.. The mini as well as an iMac that we have would occasionally pause with the spinning the ball just like my MacPro. But within a short period of time the spinning ball would resolved and the system will continue along just fine.

It seems like the MacPro would get these same system pauses but instead on recovering as my other macs do, the MacPro is unable to and just stays frozen until the usual manual restart methods are done.

Jul 28, 2016 9:29 AM in response to liyuanfromredding


Here is my story, maybe the information helps for someone...

A few months ago I experienced the 'GPU driver appears to be hung' problem almost every day. So, I brought it back to the store. Two weeks later I went back to pick the mac up, they said the D300 GPUs were replaced. That evening, I think it took about 5 minutes until the spinning beachball was there again. So I brought the mac again to the store and said that the issue was still there. Three weeks later (I think June 25), I received the mac again but this time the employee said he didn't receive information about what the repair center had done :/ Back at home I had to configure OS X again so I assume they just reinstalled OS X this time. Surprisingly, the issue didn't came back until yesterday. And it could be coincidence, but yesterday I installed El Capitan 10.11.6.

At this moment I think that the graphic issues are related to the OS version (in my case 10.11.5 was a good one then). Any thoughts on this?

Jul 29, 2016 2:55 AM in response to jorenjm

i had the issue also with 10.11.5. After the last repair the issue didn't come for 13 days but then it came again and more frequently (usually 3 to 6 days depending on how much i used the computer, if the computer is used intensively i think it can come almost every day). Now the computer is back to the repair center.

mac pro late 2013 freezes with spinning wheel

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