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Call History showing up on another iPhone


Hopefully you can help.

I use my phone for business and we have noticed in the last few days that all of the calls I make and receive are appearing in my wife's iPhone recent call history?

I have hunted high and low in settings on both phones but with no joy.

It is only affecting calls i make, not the other way round? so i am not seeing calls my wife makes on her phone in my recent call history?

[Re-Titled by Moderator]

It is also not affecting text messages...

We are both using the same iCloud account but the inconsistencies above suggest its something more involved (or very simple!)

The slightly odd thing is that it only seems to do it when my phone is at home, i went out this afternoon and the calls made/received have not appeared on her history. so maybe its a wifi thing?...but...

I also phoned vodafone when i got home to see if they could help (they couldn't!) and that short dial number is also not appearing on her history?

iPhone 5s, iOS 8.3

Posted on May 22, 2015 10:46 AM

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Posted on Jan 3, 2017 8:15 PM

Yes me is two separate people with different names, numbers and emails. Why would I create a separate accounts when we have had iPhones for 5 years with no problems before? This thread is on page 126 on my phone, that has been mentioned ad nauseum. I want the phones to work like they have the last 5 years.

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Jan 3, 2017 8:15 PM in response to gail from maine

Yes me is two separate people with different names, numbers and emails. Why would I create a separate accounts when we have had iPhones for 5 years with no problems before? This thread is on page 126 on my phone, that has been mentioned ad nauseum. I want the phones to work like they have the last 5 years.


Feb 15, 2017 6:58 PM in response to rockmyplimsoul

Which begs the question about sharing id's on a secondary iPhones. I have two iPhones one for business one personal. I too was getting inconsistent call history sharing. I fixed it by having two different My Info id's. That was the silver bullet. And others have found this to be a solution. When I was having the problem, if I turned off wifi calling on one of the phones the call history would not be shared, as soon as it was turned back on I would get call history on both phones. For the fan boyz Apple allows sharing one icloud id on multiple devices. Then they take it back by saying

one can not or should not share an iCloud id among multiple users. Which is it? For $1.00 a month I get 50 gig of storage off one iCloud id, why wouldn't want to share pictures and back ups with multiple devices including multiple users which falls under the general heading of MULTIPLE DEVICES? It is time for Apple to give more granularity to families who wish to do the same. Apple should be able to easily set up a switch so that if someone deletes photos

to free up space on an individual iPhone it does not affect those photos in iCloud. The Apple Masters should be able to easily add a switch which shuts off call/messaging history on individual iPhones. I use the two iPhones. I use them the way I want to use them with no deleterious results others should be afforded the same choice. The only reason I see that Apple does not want multiple users on the same iCloud id is probably so that little Johnny can not make app or music purchases with his dad or mom's iCloud id. But by the same token, parents do not have to tell him the password.

User uploaded file


Mar 31, 2017 4:57 PM in response to hisenberg

Thus EVERYONE has to obtain their own iCloud account to back up their photos.

Even when you do so, it does not share the iCloud backup space they you are already paying for. So if Apple could fix their family sharing plan so that you can actually share your backup space,

No cloud storage provide shared space as you suggest. Cloud storage is always tied to a individual's unique ID of some sort. Dropbox. OneDrive. Google Drive. All non-shareable.

It is the privacy aspect again.

Cloud storage space should not be shared. Just as email addresses, phone numbers and any other identity used to access an online service should not be.

Feedback for Apple goes here >>> http://www.apple.com/feedback/


Mar 31, 2017 4:02 PM in response to donnym2007

I have two iPhones one for business one personal. I too was getting inconsistent call history sharing. I fixed it by having different My Info id's. That was the silver bullet. And others have found this to be a solution. When I was having the problem, if I turned off wifi calling on one of the phones the call history would not be shared, as soon as it was turned back on I would get call history on both phones.

User uploaded file


Mar 31, 2017 3:39 PM in response to donnym2007

donnym2007 wrote:

Call history is a private thing and should be attached to a DEVICE not an Apple ID. There needs to be a better solution from Apple such as just turning off this dumb "feature".

Apple also view Apple IDs as a private thing, not to be shared with other people.

Can I share an Apple ID with someone else?

Your Apple ID should not be shared with anyone else. It provides access to personal information including contacts, photos, device backups, and more. Sharing your Apple ID with someone else means you are giving them access to all your personal content and may lead to confusion over who actually owns the account. To share iTunes & App Store purchases, photos, a calendar, and more with someone else, try Family Sharing, iCloud Photo Sharing, or other easy-to-use sharing features.


So, while you can certainly submit feedback to Apple requesting that the make a change, I doubt it's likely.

What is it about having a separate Apple ID that seems like a problem to you? Perhaps if you explain your reservations or concerns, someone one can help you with those.

Best of luck.


Jan 3, 2017 3:11 AM in response to SingaporeJim

SingaporeJim wrote:

Oh. That's too expensive as must pay multiple times for Apps, Songs, etc. Maybe that's why Apple has done this.

If you want to share content, use Family Sharing. That's why Apple created it, so you don't have to buy things multiple times. It's been explained many times in this thread.

Family Sharing - Apple Support


Feb 1, 2017 12:07 PM in response to n_revell

I totally agree that an AppleID must not be shared between different persons, for all the good reasons shared by many others.

But where do you (and some other people on this thread) read that Apple's "ecosystem" is designed for one single iPhone per person?

Apple documentation states that an ID can be shared across the multiple devices of a single individual.

For WiFi calls, Messages, FaceTime, you can decide which of your devices / (i)phone numbers should be activated and which one is to be used by default.

If only one phone per ID was expected, there would not be such options in the iPhone settings…

I don't see this specific issue of unwanted call sync across devices (that just appeared with iOS 10) as a design decision but simply as a boring bug they didn't notice.


May 23, 2015 4:58 AM in response to John The Silent Musician

John The Silent Musician wrote:

FYI we share icloud because it allows us to have a synchronized calendar, "find my iphone" and contacts under the same account. But this **** is weird. If I find anything, I'll share it here.

It is not weird. It is working as it is meant to. iDevices that share the same Apple/iCloud ID will have content synched amongst the devices, and will "ring" once a call is received if the Handoff/Continuity feature is enabled and therefore you will see calls on the log of both phones. Handoff will only work if the two devices are on the same Wifi network.

If you want to "synch" calendars, share a calendar only or use the Family share feature:

Family Sharing - Apple Support


Sep 2, 2015 8:45 AM in response to barneyman

So originally I got on board on this post back around May 24-27, when my missed calls from my work phone started showing up on my wife's phone. She dialed that number back assuming it was a missed call on her phone. It turned out it was my work contact and he was really perplexed to hear from my wife. Due to ATT, the last name showed up on this desk phone and he answered it. We had a chuckle. Nonetheless, it can get serious as my wife's phone is usually with kids and they have dialed folks in the past.

Naturally I wanted to stop this. I upgrade to the new iOS the day it shows up and my wife is blissfully content with her "iOS whatever.whenver" Only when nudged by the favorite apps to update, she does so.

The call log was multilateral for all iOS devices on iOS 8.4.1. The only expection is my wife's phone (iOS 7.1). Her call log did not show up anywhere expect on her phone. (Yes, the call log was shared and yes, I understand the responses from few key individuals about sharing the Apple ID, I will get to that)

So we split up the IDs; a hassle, but necessary in the one factor at time method of trouble shooting. Yes, she doesn't get those call anymore. You can call that problem solved if you had one device - one ID setup.

The problem still persists between my four devices, 2 iphones (personal and work) and 2 ipad (personal and work). The call log syncing is random and not fully complete. A few of the calls sync up after a couple of days. I have tried cleaning up all the call logs and still get a few of missed calls show up a day or two later. Knowing Apple, they would not roll this out half baked. The sync feature, if intended, should be absolutely seamless.

I have tried all the settings imaginable and if you are able to glean my personality, you can see that I have tried everything, one setting at a time.

Not counting the users who don't know or care about syncing/icloud/call log, there are 3 firm camps in this discussion:

  • The Absolutists - This is what it is. Don't share the apple IDs. If you don't like this go back to smoke signals and morse code.
  • The Exasperated - We love the iphones but we don't like this. This is not acceptable. Are the experts able to help? The Absolutists' response makes them more exasperated.
  • And there are folks like me, the Accommodaters - Something has changed and I don't like it. I can certainly see the value in this for some users, however can I have this turned off for my phones. Pretty please????

I hope this works out for all the users as they need it to work for them. Cheers


Jul 24, 2015 2:05 PM in response to arganto

So for me it's time to ignore the trolls here and try and help. I've been looking at other sites for more information on this. I believe this is in fact a bug and while Apple intended to implement this feature I don't believe they had the intent to release it in a way that impacted users who use the single ID for their devices. I believe they will likely add this as an option not fundamental and forced feature of icloud. In any case feature, bug or feature with bugs, we have no information telling us what Apple plans, so there are no guarantees.


  • Try turning off handoff feature - on all devices
  • Try turning off icloud - on all devices (worked for me)
  • Try using family sharing
  • Wait and see if Apple resolves it with ios 9
  • Trash your phones and buy other brands (just listed to sure the trolls understand we all know this option)

Like I said turning off icloud has worked fine for me, however my preference is to find a solution rather than a hack. At no point have I been exposed to the idea that I was supposed to use individual ID's for my kids, an idea typically considered wrong when it comes to the internet, I.E. age of getting an email address, there are numerous concerns including privacy, safety, as well as financial. That said, I am researching family sharing. I have heard it has issues and is not ready for primetime but I may be willing to move that direction depending on more information and others reviews who are using it. It is unfortunate that so many anti-helpful people infect this forum. Helping find solutions involves more than simply saying you can't do it the way you've always done it, that is not helpful in any way, it only serves to incite and annoy others, clearly. Understanding what users are experiencing and why and helping to find solutions, pointing them toward what works is what people are here reaching out for, and seem to be wasting their time (I know I have) with the few of you unhelpful dwellers here, you contribute absolutely nothing, congrats to you.

Here's the link to information on family sharing, if any of you are using it or find more info, please share. It should isolate each device while allowing your to maintain overall control. Find your iphone and itunes, as well as purchases can be shared in most cases it seems. I am thinking in some cases this might work as a separator of devices for those who don't want all devices sharing call logs etc. Simply use family sharing for each device, seems you can still manage from your main ID...anyway check it out and let me know.


Jan 14, 2016 8:51 AM in response to barneyman

Hi, I know I will probably annoy allot of higher level members by telling you why your devices aren't behaving as you want, and how to solve it, because I think they know the work around but want to force you to separate your iCloud accounts, or they actually don't know how to solve this. Either way I will probably annoy them.

First of all its not a bug, its the way iCloud has been designed. The culprit is a master call log file that resides in iCloud Drive. Each device that is logged in to the same iCloud account and has "iCloud Drive" enabled will sync to that master call log. Nothing else affects this, FaceTime, continuity, cellular phone call forwarding have no affect no matter if they were on or off.

The only work around possible at the moment, until Apple redesigns how its iCloud service behaves at their end, is to accept that iCloud Drive functionality will not be available and should be turned of for devices that you do not want to sync to the master call log in iCloud Drive, to do this you have to follow these instructions carefully:

1- Keep iCloud Drive turned on for the devices you want the call list synced across, and turn it off for the devices that you do not want to sync with the master call list.

2- Most importantly, even if you turn off iCloud Drive for your iPhone(X), but you still find the recent call list from it appearing on your other iPhone(Y) that has iCloud Drive enabled, the culprit is that iPhone(X) is syncing its call list with iCloud Drive indirectly through another device that is linked to it via either the same FaceTime number or via enabling calls on other devices and at the same time has iCloud Drive enabled. For example your wife's phone list is appearing on your phone even though you have iCloud Drive disabled on your wife's phone, the culprit is that your wife's iPad or iMac, has iCloud Drive turned on, and at the same time is linked with the same FaceTime and phone forwarding settings with your wife's iPhone, so your wife's phone is syncing its call list with her iPad, and then her iPad is syncing that list with the master call list in iCloud Drive, because iCloud Drive is enabled on her iPad. The solution is to disable iCloud drive on all devices(iPads, iMacs etc...) related to iPhone(X)'s FaceTime and phone forwarding settings.

3- Eventually you should end up with two phone ecosystems on the same iCloud account for your devices, those devices, iPhones, iPads, IMacs etc... that have iCloud drive enabled and have the same FaceTime and phone forwarding settings. And another set of Devices that have iCloud drive disabled and at the same time are linked together with a different FaceTime number/Email and phone forwarding settings.

4- Delete the recent call lists after you go through these steps on your iPhones.


Sep 16, 2016 12:29 PM in response to RexRox

RexRox wrote:

Hi Gail,

Fact is people do share an ID for a whole host of reasons, in my discussions with Apple techs they have clearly said that's no problem, but there is something going wrong somewhere for some folks.

From Apple support: Security and your Apple ID - Apple Support

  • Never provide your password, security questions, verification codes, recovery key, or any other account security details to anyone else. Apple will never ask you for this information.
  • Don’t share your Apple ID with other people, even family members.

From Apple Support: https://appleid.apple.com/faq/#!&page=faq

Can I share an Apple ID with someone else?

Your Apple ID should not be shared with anyone else. It provides access to personal information including contacts, photos, device backups and more. Sharing your Apple ID with someone else means you are giving them access to all of your personal content and may lead to confusion over who actually owns the account. To share iTunes & App Store purchases, photos, a calendar and more with someone else, try Family Sharing, iCloud Photo Sharing or other easy-to-use sharing features.

Apple, obviously, does not prohibit you from using a single Apple ID for multiple people, however, they are patently clear that it is not advised. Why? - because it causes issues unexpected results in a potentially random way. Not to mention the security issues that it creates.

Family Sharing allows you to share Calendars and Photos among other things, but not Contacts at this point.

Best of luck,



May 22, 2015 3:00 PM in response to barneyman

I'm getting the same thing. My wife's call log is appearing on my iphone and on an old iphone 4S we have that is signed into icloud. I have asked my wife to reboot her phone to see if it clears things up.

FYI we share icloud because it allows us to have a synchronized calendar, "find my iphone" and contacts under the same account. But this **** is weird. If I find anything, I'll share it here.


Call History showing up on another iPhone

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