Voice Control keeps coming up and interupting music. How do we get rid of voice control? My friend suggests Android..
All I want to do is relax and listen to my music, or sit in a meeting and quietly listen to the meeting. But the darn Voice Control keeps interrupting. Even when nothing is touched. I tried to use it, it was totally lost. I say off it says "Call Pizza!" numerous snickers from the mainly droid crowd.
My friend says buy Android. But mostly I like Apple. Another friend said he heard I could jail-break the phone and disable it, but he did not know how. So, how can I jail break and disable this feature? And what is Jail_Break? I am either going to download this or get a Galaxy, because if I have to listen to that beeping and then "dial president" one more time... or in one more meeting I will throw this phone in the trash...
So, do I have to buy Android, or is there a way to disable this virus like program called "Voice Control" that keeps running without my permission?
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 8.3