Songs missing at Apple Music
Yesterday I installed Apple Music on my devices, but I'm noticing a lot of bugs in this service.
First, I cannot access almost 90 of my songs (these songs are at iTunes, but I can't access from my iPhone or my iPad, after the update). When I was using iTunes Match I could access all my songs, but now some songs disappeared from my iPhone.
By the way, most of these songs that disappeared I bought at iTunes Store.
For example: I have 10 songs of John Mayer, all bought at iTunes Sotre. I can see (and hear) all the 10 songs at my iTunes for Mac, but when I use to the app Music on my iPhone/iPad I can only see and listen 5 of these songs. I even tried to put these 5 missing songs at a list at my iTunes (shared with iCloud), but when I access the same list at my iPhone, it is empty.
Is this happening with anyone else?
iPhone 6, iOS 8.4