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Songs keep repeating when I shuffle a playlist

On every iPod and iPhone I've ever owned:

I open a playlist and set it to shuffle. It does. I pause a song, put the device away, and press play a few hours or days later. The device remembers what I've already played so I don't hear the same song twice until I get through all, say, 250 songs on the playlist (unless I select a different playlist, manually select a song on the playlist, or close the iTunes app on my phone). As an illustration, using my iPhone 6 (still on iOS 8.3) last month I spent a week of commuting time, about 45 minutes a day, listening through a playlist and never heard the same song twice.

On my iPhone 6 since updating to iOS 8.4 (12H143):

I open a playlist and set it to shuffle. It does. I pause a song, put the device away, and press play a few hours or days later. It doesn't seem to remember what it's already played, so I end up hearing the same set of about 25-30 songs (with occasional randoms thrown in) every time I pause, put it away, and press play a few hours or days later.

Why doesn't Music seem to remember what it's already played? Is there any way of fixing this, or working around the issue so I don't have to keep hearing the same songs on a playlist?

On a possibly related note, I just connected my phone to my computer, and noticed that several of the songs that keep getting repeated show up in iTunes as having never been played. Has Music/iTunes stopped counting, or is this feature just not working any longer?

iPhone 6, iOS 8.4

Posted on Jul 23, 2015 9:12 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Jul 27, 2015 4:50 PM

I Don't think we are the only ones having this I just think we are the only ones who maybe notice or are the only ones using a specific function that would make us notice... what bother me is apple trying to "fix" something that wasn't broken, it was not perfect but it still works... Now they make this new app and there has been countless problems from it. the shuffle before wasn't great but a least it semi randomized the music so you weren't hearing the same songs. Now you hear the same multiple songs over and over. Like queue was saying when he paused and out it away it wouldn't pick up where it left off (a feature that used to be in the settings menu that is gone) but also I have had it play the same song writhing 5 songs and then again in another 10 songs. And not just one specific song but different songs all with out pausing or stopping and coming back to it but while continuous play. And no I don't have repeat on nor are there multiple different files o the same song in my playlist. I have 26.5 hours of music and there maybe only 4 duplicate songs but those songs are live versions. Anyways I really hope they find a fix for this the whole point of a long playlist is to hear a variety not the same ****...

246 replies

Jul 13, 2016 7:51 AM in response to queue169

Guys. I hit on something.

I was hitting "shuffle" on a 58-song playlist. Then I would navigate to my "Up Next" list: 20 shuffled songs from the playlist. I repeated this many times. Always ONLY 20 songs added! What if it's just repeating our Up Next list, so we're not hearing the whole playlist, just 20 shuffled songs on repeat?

So, I cleared my "Up Next." I went back to my playlist and found the option to "Add to Up Next." Up Next now has 58 songs!!! Okay, but what if it just added the whole playlist, in order? Nope, I repeated this operation and the Up Next list is in a different order every time. Try this out, see if you have any success and report back!

JUST A NOTE: I have not yet listened through the long playlist to see if the problem has been fixed. But it may have been "Up Next" that's been screwing us up for (literally) years. Apple, if this is indeed the source of the problem, shame on you. First, fixing something not broken, and then your employees suggest clean re-installs because your Up Next feature has a weird 20-song limit if inputted from Shuffle? Come on guys...

Jul 16, 2016 3:34 PM in response to queue169

I'm testing iOS 10 beta and this playlist is now right below main page of the song being played. Since iOS 10, I see no repeat songs coming up anymore. Before 10, I was seeing sometime duplicates and triplicates on this shuffle "Up Next" list. Maybe, just maybe, Apple is going to be fixing this when 10 is released. Let's hope. I've only been testing it for about 4 days.

Jul 17, 2016 12:31 PM in response to Ad Hoc

LLet's hope that they did indeed fix this... Unfortunately that won't help anyone on older devices like the 4s' as ios10 is only going to be able to run on certain devices... Looks like older phones yet again get screwed! Here let's break something so that it doesnt work for you but then we will fix it but only for newer devices forcing you to upgrade or leave all together....

Jul 19, 2016 11:25 AM in response to Jauve

I believe that this worked for me! One caveat thought - I wasn't going to add each song individually to "Up Next" (what a pain in the butt), so I did it by artist. All the songs were added into UpNext - but they are in alphabetical order. I then hit Shuffle All. The Music App then asked "After playing this, do you want to play the 99 songs you've added to Up Next?" I clicked Keep Up Next - and it showed 99 songs in random order in Up Next, and then the 99 songs in alphabetical order. If I clicked "Clear Up Next" - then it was back to the old problems.

Problem partially solved. It is a real problem to sit there and add all the songs (or albums) to Up Next manually.

Jul 20, 2016 6:10 AM in response to jhkim01

Not completely solved.

First - you don't have to add all the songs to Up Next. Just add one song. Then shuffle all songs, and it will ask you to Keep Up Next. If you do that, it will add all the songs shuffled before the one song that you added manually.

But the original problem I had (where during a shuffle, the Repeat button turns on and can't be turned off, and subsequently songs are shuffled but some songs start to repeat themselves) IS STILL OCCURRING.

Time to move to Cesium.

Jul 22, 2016 8:27 AM in response to B_Craw

For the 4 months or so that I've been using Cesium, it has only repeated a playlist song one or two times out of the hundreds of playlists that I've listened to in that time. Cesium has been vastly better than the Apple music player app in that regard. One note of caution though... Cesium uses the same "up next" listing as the Apple music app. The "recently played" listing will also match. Thus, switching back and forth between those two apps may cause the problem to resurface in Cesium. I've not tried doing this enough to rule out that possibility, since I hate the thought of having to go through the aggravation of trying the Apple music app again. I can't say for certain, but I suspect the Cesium app looks for the repeating playlist song problem to occur in its upcoming song list and takes steps to avoid it if/when it does. Given that the up next and recently played listings are shared between these apps (as well as some other music apps that I've tried), those features appear to be separate background features on all Apple devices. That is where the problem seems to lie. The Apple music app isn't capable of detecting and avoiding repeated playlist songs, while the Cesium app is. The same goes for skipped songs, though I've had Cesium skip playlist songs a few more times than it has repeated playlist songs. One definite Cesium advantage though, when it comes to looking for these problems, Cesium provides a count of the number of playlist songs remaining in its upcoming songs listing. Apple's music app hasn't done that since these problems started to occur back in IOS 8.4.

Aug 18, 2016 11:10 AM in response to queue169

When you are viewing the song, at the top right just below the total song length is where the shuffle icon appears. It shows in blue when shuffle is active and white when it is not.

On the top left, just below the current time for the song is an icon with two arrows "chasing" each other. They are white when repeat is inactive, blue when repeat full playlist is active and blue with a tiny number "1" when repeat 1 song is active.

I suspect that you have the repeat 1 song option set. Tap that icon once more to turn it off. Then shuffle should work as expected.

Hope that helps. It worked for me

Aug 25, 2016 4:39 AM in response to queue169

I am so glad I found this discussion. I thought I was cracking up, or doing something wrong. I have a playlist of 400+ songs which I listen to through a Bluetooth in helmet headphones when on my motorcycle. So it is very difficult to mess about with skipping songs etc. What it plays is what I get. My problem like everyone else is that every time I listen to this playlist on shuffle I hear the same 20 or 30 songs. I recently went away for 4 days, and listened to the playlist for 20+ hours and kept hearing the same songs over and over. Arghhh!

I have tried all of the solutions above, including wiping an reinstalling, deleting "up next" etc etc and nothing works. I have just upgraded to iOS 9.3.4 and still the fault remains. The problem is in the Apple Music app, obviously.

When I look closely in iTunes, 20 or 30 or so of the songs have been played 15-20 times each, while over 100 have had 1 or zero plays. Shuffle the whole list? You're joking!

I don't want anything fancy, I don't need to see album artwork, or shuffle albums, or genra, or artists or sort classical music by composer. I just want it to shuffle my playlist randomly, without repeating. Not much to ask, surely?

A few days ago I lashed out $1.50 and downloaded Ecoute Beautiful Music Player app. It has solved my problem. It instantly picked up all the music and playlists on my iPhone, and does what I want it to do. It shuffles my playlist properly. The only caveat is I have only had it a few days.

It has a lovely simple interface, and looks good. Maybe it does other things that people want. I don't know or care. I also don't particularly care how it looks either, although it does look good. I open it, find my playlist, hit play and shuffle and put it in my pocket.

And it works.

It doesn't talk directly to iTunes that I can see. It appears to suck the information out of Apple Music, so if you are constantly downloading or buying new music that may be unpleasant for you. But it is not an issue for me. I'm a dinosaur and listen mainly to my 60s and 70 music, and have no interest in changing it. Yes, I'm a dinosaur, but a happy one.

So, in summary.......a big raspberry to Apple for not fixing this problem, and congratulation to Ecoute for solving my problem for under $2.

Cheers Almostadr

Sep 26, 2016 10:45 AM in response to MajorIP4

Why is everyone marking MarjorlP4 answer as helpful. It did not answer the question asked and there is as of yet still no solution posted for this annoying problem. I actually have about 12 gigs of songs on my Ipod Touch and i go to all songs and hit play and then shuffle it.. so theoretically it could play over 115 hours without repeating a song. But no it repeats many of the same songs and never plays others. I walk 1.4 hours a day while listining and I don't want to pick out songs individually but this is annoying that Ipod and Iphone 6 do this. I am plenty computer and pc and ios savvy and I've seen no practical solution other that creating a huge playlist with a specific order and playing it without shuffle. That's just a pain in the..too much time.

Sep 26, 2016 10:55 AM in response to queue169

I have this problem as well with the Ipod touch and the 15 gigs of music on there. I go to all songs play a song then shuffle and it will play from my all songs randomly but for some reason it repeats many of the same songs and does not play others. While I see no easy solution there is one way but it is actually a time consuming pain and probably not worth the trouble. But.. solution: You create a large playlist from your songs that you have copied and manually renamed in an numeric or alphabetical order in the tags so that let say you have 100 songs with named 001somthing through 100something. Then create playlist and play without shuffle.

Or (without doing the above suggestion)

you could just go to all songs hit play on the first one turn off shuffle and just listen to all songs in alphabetical/track order.

Songs keep repeating when I shuffle a playlist

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