iPod Classics incompatible with Win iTunes
My family has several iPod Classics. We are finding that many are no longer being recognized by iTunes on various Windows-based computers. Sometimes iTumes will see the iPod, but if we try to move files over we get an error message saying no device found -- even though it shows up in iTunes.
Another problem -- even though I point to my 150 GB iTunes folder on Drive G, iTunes will only show me the default on my C drive.
These problems happened when I moved to Win 8.1 from 7. Now I'm on Win 10 and the problems persist, although the iPod is no longer able to work with Win 7 machines either. The image below shows my iPod is connected and the error message shows that I cannot access the device.
Are others having this same issue? Is Apple deliberately making old iPods incompatible?
iPod classic, Other OS, Windows 10 64-bit