My understanding (I could be very wrong here) is that Apple most likely did know about it. However, in order to maintain the release of the iPhone 6S line, they pushed it anyway.
Why would a company hold off on the release of there next primary device because of something that is not effecting every single test? They gambled, and lost.
Given my experience with Apple, my 5th generation iPod is the first, and LAST Apple product I will get. iOS 8 was so unstable throughout it's life on it that I wished I could go back to 7.
iOS 9 is a step in the right direction, however Game Center being broken kills half of my usage. I use my iPod for music and games.
To make matters worse, the new music app no longer shows all my music. Anything that I have partial albums or single songs of will not be listed under artists. I have them set up as a compilation, but to fix this I know of only two options.
1. Apple brings back listing compilation music by artists.
2. I make a playlist for every artist.
Not a highlight to have to make over 100 playlists.
So Apple has now hindered the other half of my usage.
At this point, I look at Apple wreaking about 80% of my usage/enjoyment of my iPod.
Believe me, I can go into specifics of issues. They all started with iOS 8, and I have started regretting updating to iOS 8, and in relation ever buying an iPod in the first place.
paulfrommoncure, have you tested restoring from a backup? Is this with a clean install or an update?
denisamir, I would guess late October or early November. This is based off what happend with iOS 8. There was only about a month between the release 8 and 8.1.