Phone stuck on apple logo after iOS 9 update.
Phone stuck on apple logo after iOS 9 update. I tried restoring with iTunes but it just gets stuck. Help please.
iPhone 6 Plus
Phone stuck on apple logo after iOS 9 update. I tried restoring with iTunes but it just gets stuck. Help please.
iPhone 6 Plus
I went to Apple Store today and they tried to restore data into another iPhone of test and figure out that my backup is the problem so I still have the same iPhone hope that ios 9.1 will allow me to restore this time ... Good luck
I Went to the Apple Store too and much like you, they tried to restore my data on other phones and it didn't work out. I opened a big report but they said they can't do anything without a crash log (the phone doesn't produce a crash log with this problem as iTunes sees the phone normally when the phone is stuck at the logo).
I Encourage all of you to submit a big report on this. Maybe we will get Apple's attention.
Well I am not the only one who had this problem with Genius Bar.
SO did you tried some software that save at least picture + contacts + some data + calendar ?
If yes wich one ?
Had anyone tried the volume button technique? (explained here at 10:12
A few people said it worked on these forums but I can't risk bricking my phone again. Maybe someone who already is stuck?
I tried for you :
Clean install, and manually restoring is what I am doing.
Good luck !
Oh boy, Apple is gonna be in for a firestorm from me tomorrow. So I tried restoring my stuck iPhone from a backup on my Mac and I let it sit in the middle of my pretty large desk while it did it's thing. I come back an hour later to check on it and the phone is laying face down on the tile floor, screen completely shattered. I picked up the phone and it was vibrating uncontrollably and the only way to get it to stop was to hold down the home and power buttons. So at some point when it was finished restoring, I guess it decided that it wanted to vibrate itself off of the table.
-Apple Fanboy soon going
Ah, that's upsetting... Did you raise a bug report yet?
Nope. I quit haha.
An advice search software that save at least what you want. Some of them are not free but you can figure out a solution to have full version .
I think Apple is not going to do anything for me since my backup was the problem and not the iPhone ...
A backup that you created using Apple software. Please report this and refer back to this thread (I've done so in my report).
OK gyus
This is what worked for me:
A backup from iTunes is required.
You might still have to set up your mail accounts and so on.
But at least all apps are back in place with their data restored.
Which software did you used my friend to read iTunes backup and access to /System Files/
And how do you restore ?? I don't understand you logic ?
Is there something in the software that help us restore ?
I installed the 9.2 beta yesterday.
Guess what:
I was able to restore my backup from september 17th without problems.
Everything is working now!
But did you tried to restore this backup on iOS 9.1 ? Maybe it works also on iOS 9.1 so the backup is not a problem !
A restore on 9.1 did not work.
9.2 did.
This is an exciting development. Could someone else try 9.2 as well?
Phone stuck on apple logo after iOS 9 update.