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OS X Server 5.0.3 update broke web services

After the updates no websites can be accessed anymore at all.

Websites service shows green light but displays the following message:

"Users may not be able to access websites from the Internet"

Does anyone have any ideas of how to restore service?

I originally used MMV's Wordpress script to install Wordpress.

The Mac Mini running Server is housed in a data centre, so I currently have only remote access to it. VPN and Email seem to work just fine.

Mac mini, OS X Server, 10.10 Server; 8GB Ram; 2.6Ghz Intel

Posted on Sep 19, 2015 5:27 AM

21 replies
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Jan 22, 2017 11:10 AM in response to JannikM

This solved the issue for me.

My server is behind my cable modem and Cisco Router. After I tried all the other suggestions from a variety of sources, I made sure the correct ports were open to my server in the router then turned off the router and cable modem for about one minute.

I rebooted the cable modem... waited about a minute for it to sync back up to the network... then powered up my router. After the router completely booted up and settled down. All the connectivity indicators in the Websites section glowed green.

User uploaded file

Don't forget to disable "Filter Internet NAT Redirection" in your modem if you want to be able to get to your in-house hosted website using the domain name URL, not just the local server IP address.

User uploaded file

Hope this helps.

Dana Haynes


Sep 20, 2015 12:51 AM in response to JannikM

I'm having the exact same problem for all of the websites I have configured. All of them tell me that they are not reachable from the Internet. No indication is given for how to fix this problem.

I've restarted the website service, and the computer several times, but no fix here.


Sep 20, 2015 1:51 AM in response to Leonard Evansic

Happened to me too and on my side it is a certificate problem. Server 5 seems to have changed its handling of certificates, resulting in errors in the server website protocol like these:

AH00016: Configuration Failed

[Sun Sep 20 10:26:17.198636 2015] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1897] AH02580: Init: Pass phrase incorrect for key localhost:8081:0

[Sun Sep 20 10:26:17.198806 2015] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1897] SSL Library Error: error:0D094068:asn1 encoding routines:d2i_ASN1_SET:bad tag

[Sun Sep 20 10:26:17.198818 2015] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1897] SSL Library Error: error:0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:wrong tag

[Sun Sep 20 10:26:17.198830 2015] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1897] SSL Library Error: error:0D07803A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_ITEM_EX_D2I:nested asn1 error (Type=RSA)

[Sun Sep 20 10:26:17.198842 2015] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1897] SSL Library Error: error:0D09A00D:asn1 encoding routines:d2i_PrivateKey:ASN1 lib

[Sun Sep 20 10:26:17.198848 2015] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1897] AH02311: Fatal error initialising mod_ssl, exiting. See /var/log/apache2/error_log for more information

[Sun Sep 20 10:26:17.198854 2015] [ssl:emerg] [pid 1897] AH02564: Failed to configure encrypted (?) private key localhost:8081:0, check /etc/certificates/r2d2.atoenne.de.7A40030F6DA5DACB8F0CAE37634FBAE589B351CA.key. pem

AH00016: Configuration Failed

Certificates show ok in the Server app.

The site behind 8081 was a localhost only myphpadmin. Deleting this site resumed the httpd service. Interestingly enough, another SSL secured site is working ok.

This did work before Server 5!


Sep 20, 2015 9:30 PM in response to Leonard Evansic

I fixed it!

After trying everything short of upgrading to El Capitan beta, I went back to the App Store on a lartk to see if I could re-install Server 5.0.3. To my surprise, I was greeted with an "Install" option, where it should have said "Open". This was my first clue that my install/upgrade may not have completed successfully (other than my websites not working).

I thought back to any anomalies that occurred during my initial attempt to upgrade to 5.0.3. The only thing I remember is getting a dialog box to quit server. Before re-installing this time, I manually quit server, and waited a minute or so before hitting the "Install" button. A few minutes later, I was able to start Server. It went through the same upbrading progress bar that I had seen the first time. When I went into the Websites setting, it still indicated that they were unreachable.

I jumped over to Safari, and BOOM, there they were. In a few minutes, Server had caught up to them being reachable again.

If you find that your websites no longer work with 5.0.3, go back to the App Store and see if you have the "Install" option. That was my only indication that my install was incomplete. Stop Server manually, wait a minute and then re-install. That worked for me, an may help you out.


Sep 20, 2015 11:27 PM in response to Leonard Evansic


I observed the same but check again: even after a full reinstall using the app store, Server still shows the install button for me.

And it did not solve the certificate problems for me. Same error as above. I am no Apache and certificates guru and cannot decipher the cause of the errors. Setting up the same site without SSL works but who wants to allow unsecured access to a database?

Waiting for a bugfix or further explanation what has changed with Server 5.




Sep 21, 2015 9:22 AM in response to atoenne


You're right about the install option. I hadn't gone back to check.

Unfortunately I have no insight on your SSL issue. I haven't gone down the secure site road yet, but plan to before the end of the year. I'm wondering what happened to the QA testing on this release.


Sep 22, 2015 8:59 AM in response to Leonard Evansic


I too am having this same problem. I have called Apple (Apple cover on the server which is worth every penny) and they say there is a problem. I have sent some log files over using the Apple app and they are now trying to sort it.

Interestingly, I note that still (after 3 server app updates of various revisions) - once the new server app is detected, and all services are stopped prior to the upgrade, including DNS, which then gives no internet access (the only entry in 'Open Network Prefs - DNS entries for network card - should be - and once DNS stops, no internet access for the machine until upgraded - which can cause the update to fall over). I now add my local router to DNS before upgrading, which fixes this.... Hopefully someone will listen and correct this issue too...

I will await the reply from the Apple tech team re the web sites and post anything of interest here...



Sep 22, 2015 4:30 PM in response to Dan-Grenada


In my opinion you are wise to add additional DNS resolvers in the network prefpane. Server's DNS service will necessarily go offline during updates and migrations, leaving your server (and maybe even other machines on your network) with no DNS service during this time.



Sep 23, 2015 2:12 AM in response to JannikM

Hi , I have similar problems. After upgrading to the 5.0.4 version my all sites are automatically redirected to SSL version of the pages, which doesn't exists and then the system choose any Ssl site he can find. I have deleted the SSL site which system choose instead, but this is still showing.

Please can you help me what should I do?

Im not so familiar with background setting. I used always only the Server.app, so please the me exactly where shovel i look and what i need to change.



Sep 23, 2015 4:40 AM in response to Alfista_SK


Try this...

1. Run the Server App.

2. Click on Websites

3. Turn websites OFF (using button in top right corner of Server App.)

3. Click once on Server Website (NOT THE SSL ENTRY) - note that non SSL sites use port 80 as standard - this is indicated to the right of the non SSL site entry.

4. Click the little edit button (looks like a pencil).

5. Look for the entry marked Redirects - this should say 0 (zero). If it does say 1 or more, - click edit, highlight the redirects and remove (click the - button with entry highlighted). Note that this assumes you have NO SSL sites - so be careful if you have!

6. Click OK, wait for the applet to close, then click the ON button again to re-start website hosting.

7. IN MY CASE - I also turned OFF Wiki hosting in Server App., as this is not working correctly with the new update, it seems to take all requests for webs and just give you the Wiki, with Wiki OFF, all seems fine. I will turn my well used Wiki site back ON once Apple get to the bottom of the error.

Hope this helps



Sep 23, 2015 7:06 AM in response to Alfista_SK


I am sorry you are having troubles... You could try the re-install of the Server App. as per an earlier message in this message string.

Also - do you know where you web files are stored (check the path that is shown at the top of the Web Server applet in the Server App once you highlight the non SSL web site)?. I would make a backup of this folder onto a USB thumb drive etc... I would also navigate to this folder in Finder, and double click your index.html to make sure your web site is still there...



OS X Server 5.0.3 update broke web services

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