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Stuck key on 12 inch Macbook keyboard

I wonder if anyone can help me. The "i" key on the keyboard of my 12 inch Macbook is sticking. It does not have the same "click" or tactile feedback that the other keys have. I try to keep the keyboard clean and free of crumbs, dust, etc, however something just doesn't seem right. Is there a safe way to remedy the problem myself?



MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2015), OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)

Posted on Sep 19, 2015 5:20 PM

134 replies
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Sep 21, 2017 1:07 AM in response to finlandrocks

Quit making excuses for this very poorly designed product. Comparing the old style keyboard to the new, it is painfully, objectively obvious that the new keyboard is far less durable. I have never seen a stuck on the old style keyboards, ever. With these new keyboards not only does it seem like many many people have this problem, but like it's a known issue that nothing is being done about. Sure they'll fix it if you're under warranty, but a laptop keyboard is expected to last more than one year. And even if they fix it, you are left without a computer for a long period of time, a computer being a tool many of us need to do our daily jobs. It's totally execusable.

Stuck Keys MacBook Pro: 894,000 restuls

https://www.google.ge/search?source=hp&q=stuck+keys+macbook+pro&oq=stuck+keys+ma cbook+pro&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l2j0i22i30k1l2…

9-5 Mac: https://9to5mac.com/2017/01/23/12-inch-macbook-stuck-keys/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/5fvbz4/new_macbook_pro_is_it_just_me_do_ the_keys_get/ https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/6ldoly/macbook_pro_2017_15_key_stuck/ https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/5ndz5j/2016_macbook_pro_key_stuck/ https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/6ed53b/am_i_in_trouble/ https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/6qi5nd/keyboard_keys_getting_stuck/https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/6ldoly/macbook_pro_2017_15_key_stuck/https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/5fvbz4/new_macbook_pro_is_it_just_me_do_ the_keys_get/

"I'm on a 12" MacBook and indeed, the keys do get stuck more easily. They also unstick themselves, but the butterfly thing certainly seems more susceptible to getting stuck."

"My new MacBook Pro 13" with touchbar has had the spacebar get stuck and need repair twice already"

"I have been having a similar issue with my b key, but it is weirdly intermittent."


"Wow I'm glad I found another 'b' key thread!Wow I'm glad I found another 'b' key thread! Will make an appt right away and let you know how it goes. Will make an appt right away and let you know how it goes."

And this thread has 102 replies with 338,000 views.

It's apparently so common, you can even find groups of people complaining about the same specific key.

This seems just like the "stain damage" problem on the previous generation that they denied forever and kept replacing with the same faulty parts.


Dec 9, 2017 3:40 PM in response to shawnfromburlington

Depending on your success in searching to find the replacement key-caps and tiny parts that reside

beneath them in the 12-inch MacBook (2015+) and if you can get the exact ones you'd need, that is

a likely avenue to explore to attempt to resolve this issue. And also use compressed or canned air

to clear dust. Some brands of keyboard/screen protectors that stay in place in use, help keep keys

from getting stuff underneath.

You'd likely need to do more than this if the keys need major cleaning underneath..

How to clean the keyboard of your MacBook or MacBook Pro - Apple Support

Due to several Mac browsers between several different Mac OS X, relevant bookmarks to locate the

key-cap replacement sites and how-to take them out/put them back, are harder to find...

So here's an search result that yields some; others may include repair companies who offer parts

and have a page online with images. Each key may have up to three parts you could replace.


In any event...

Good luck & happy trails! 🙂


Jan 24, 2017 2:47 AM in response to OGELTHORPE

I have the same problem with "space" button MacBook 12 2016. I have been in Official service centre in my city (Novosibirsk - Russia).

They told me: "It is mechanical damage and it is a base for the termination of guarantee". Cost - 400$.

What should I do?


Feb 8, 2017 3:55 AM in response to ChrisM10

I have the very same problem; i have to almost stand on the space bar to make it work. Other keys are going same way. I live/work in Zimbabwe as a wildlife ranger and I can't take mine to an apple store any time soon. There's clearly a major design fault as so many on internet seem to have the same issue!


Feb 8, 2017 4:52 AM in response to ChrisM10



I've gone through all of the solutions I can find online and believe I have the answer! My keys have been the same for months; it's been driving me insane. My space bar requires all the power my thumb can give it, causing me to habitually type destructively on other keyboards!

Apple's compressed air solution didn't work. Taking off keys and cleaning underneath didn't work. I took it into an Apple repair centre but they wanted to send it off, and I was about to return home to Africa (and didn't trust them) so that didn't work either. But THIS did work and, after six months of suffering these ****** keys, I'm now typing at high speed again on a perfect as-new keyboard!


I believe there is a build up of dirt on the minute EDGE OF THE METAL PART surrounding the keys, which effectively narrows the gap between the MacBook 12" body and the keys themselves, causing them to stick. It's too small to see, but it's there.

Apple's compressed air wasn't strong enough to blow the dirt buildup away BUT this is: insert a fingernail into the gap between the key and the case and slide up and down repeatedly to scrape off the build up of dirt on each of the four edges facing the key. Make sure the top of your fingernail is facing into centre of the key. Do this on each side of the key (so four slides on each edge of each sticky key). The result on each of my sticky keys is INSTANT. ALL THIS SUFFERING FOR NOTHING!

[Cue someone clever to make millions from selling a thin plastic fingernail-like scraper!!!]

Good luck and let me know if it works!!


Mar 16, 2017 6:07 PM in response to ChrisM10

My 2015 MacBook has always had sticky key issues, especially the space bar. I finally got fed up and wanted to trade up to the new MacBook Pro 13". Had reservations about the keyboard and sure enough, not even two weeks in, the space bar sticks. Oh, and my MacBook 12" was worth $0 because it had a space bar that sticks. I'm going to take the new one back and get the older MacBook Pro with the older style keyboard. So disappointed.


Apr 11, 2017 4:11 AM in response to ChrisM10

I've had this problem with the 12" macbook. A speck of dust broke the shift key within 3 weeks, so I got a full refund since it was covered under the Australian Consumer Laws 30 day return policy, since Apple won't admit the structural fault in their new butterfly style keyboards.

I then got the 13" macbook pro 2016 with a "new and improved" butterfly keyboard to have the same thing happen 2 weeks after purchase. Returned it again, got another one.

I'm just going to repeat this process every 30 days until the next model is released, hopefully then the newer model won't be so susceptible to flecks of household dust.

Or I start using my macbooks in a hermetically sealed room with a cryovac suit on.

Here is a conversation with Applecare about the problem that Apple refuses to identify when you go in store with stuck keys:



Jun 12, 2017 1:12 PM in response to John K.

Having the identical thing happen here. And I'm pretty unhappy about it because 2 months after I got it the motherboard just inexplicably died. They refused to give me a new machine, insisted on sending it for repair. I told them that I wanted a new one because my new computer was clearly defective. This was after 3 different people told me that it was somehow my fault that the computer was randomly shutting down, and after I backed up I was unable to install an OS on.

When they took it in I told them I wanted a new computer, not a patched together one and insisted that this was likely to give problems. They acted like I was behaving like a spoilt brat and told me that this was a new computer because all components are connected to the motherboard. And guess what.. 2 months after that my keyboard is failing.


Aug 11, 2017 1:16 PM in response to ChrisM10

I have had the same problem since May 2016 when I purchased it. The day after I bought it, the space key 'fell in' to the Mac and I went to get it fixed at Apple, then it was swapped. Then this happened another 2 time, and 3 swaps and 4 MacBooks later it has happened again. I wish I bought the MacBook Pro!!!!


Aug 27, 2017 9:11 AM in response to ChrisM10

This is ridiculous, even typing this reply is a nightmare, I feel letdown by apple. If this is such a huge issue with over 800 people agreeing they have the same issue as this comment why has apple not recalled the item. Im not buying apple care just so this can be fixed once the 12 months warranty is up. I would rather get the 2013 model again. apple phone support is useless. surely they have an obligation to make sure the 2000euro product isn't breaking after a month of ownership.


Aug 27, 2017 1:25 PM in response to rawshotfotografie

IF you purchased the product as resident of the EU and still reside there

you have legal options that other regions do not have that go beyond

some aspects of an AppleCare plan that other regions have. ~ At least

that may help get it repaired. And perhaps sell it + get different model.

Read the plan as it applies to where the unit was bought and if where it

is serviced in the same EU region, you may have alternatives to a 12mo

initial warranty. Some countries have had up to two years; considering

any local consumer rights leverage you can use.

At any rate...

Good luck & happy trails! 🙂


Sep 4, 2017 12:06 PM in response to ChrisM10

So what basically happened is that your MacBook cpu got way to hot! The problem is apple likes to have a quite machine so it does not make its fan run fast enough. In your MacBook you don't even have a fan because its running the m5 chip which supposedly does not need a chip. Back to what happened then. so when the cpu gets hot the keys on the keyboard are on top of it. where the letter I on the keyboard is the CPU is located. so it melts the plastic a little and if you press it, it will stick.


Stuck key on 12 inch Macbook keyboard

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