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will iPhoto work with El Capitan ?

Does anyone know if I will be able to continue to use iPhoto if I upgrade to El Capitan ?

I've avoided Photos up to now (under Yosemite) by using iPhoto Library Manager as I've got 10,000 + images in iPhoto and so was VERY reluctant to change.

Given the reactions I've seen to the use of Photos relating to import large iPhoto libraries - plus the fact I just don't like the way Photos is organised - I really don't want to be railroaded into using it if at all possible.

John F.

Mac mini, OS X Yosemite (10.10.2)

Posted on Sep 23, 2015 4:18 AM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on Sep 23, 2015 6:09 AM

We'll know for certain one September 30th, but the current state of gossip is that iPhoto runs fine under El Capitan.

However, this is a time limited situation. Sooner or later a version of the OS will come along that win't run iPhoto, so you need to be planning for that one way or another. Note that you're not "railroaded" into anything. You have a range of choices:

Don't upgrade the OS and stay with iPhoto - but ultimately you'll need a new machine and that won't work then.

Migrate to Photos and learn how to use it. It's not that terribly different and is better in some ways - particularly editing and the whole iCloud Library feature.

Migrate to another application entirely - personally, I went to Lightroom as the best fit for my needs, but there are many other apps that you can use instead.

So, no railroading there, just plenty of options.

10k is not a large library. My 60k library migrated flawlessly

104 replies

Oct 28, 2015 1:44 AM in response to Yer_Man

Terence Devlin wrote:

I'm always confused by people who claim to be professional shooters and use a consumer level app. That makes no sense.

I don't know if it fits your definition of professional but a large portion of my annual income comes from my photography and my work is published monthly in high circulation national magazines & I use iPhoto (and PS as well as a host of other apps).

Why does it make no sense that I use iPhoto for my DAM Terence? I don't get why you have such a problem with understanding that.
It allows me to easily catalogue, sort and most importantly quickly locate images in my library of over 50k high-res RAW shots.

And btw... you know in some circles trying to bait people into proving their credentials is considered as trolling...

It's quite obvious that you've not seriously looked at Photos.

I have indeed. Quite early in the piece I tried it. I found it too linear, too cloud focused and too feature deprived.
I may revisit it in the future but until then I'll continue using iPhoto while I look at other options.

...The point is really, really simple. If the app does not have the functionality you require then use a different one...

Dodging the point of what people are complaining about here Terence, that being, the app did have the functionality.

Apple decided that we instead needed a dumbed-down, cloud-focused, iApp to make keeping track of selfies & sharing them sooo much more seamless.

Are you a gambling guy?

Nope. Which is why I am not letting Photos anywhere near my photo library 🙂

Oct 28, 2015 2:01 AM in response to RexRox

"& I use iPhoto (and PS as well as a host of other apps)"

None of them do all you want? So iPhoto and PS and the host of others were already not doing all you want.

Why not use one for managing and one for editing? Much cheaper also. Or use only one: LTR.

And if you think Photoshop is too expensive: you can use Gimp, which can do the same, for free.

This thread has already ended talking about the real issue posted.

Oct 28, 2015 2:11 AM in response to RexRox

Why does it make no sense that I use iPhoto for my DAM Terence? I don't get why you have such a problem with understanding that.

It allows me to easily catalogue, sort and most importantly quickly locate images in my library of over 50k high-res RAW shots.

Because I would have thought that a professional level DAM would more appropriate, offer more options and choices and much better file management. But then again, if you're library is only 50k images...

And btw... you know in some circles trying to bait people into proving their credentials is considered as trolling...

Where did I do that? I really don't care if you're a pro or anything else. As I said above it's not about you.

When I said you've obviously not looked closely at Photos this is what I responded to

I just find it bizarre that most other app developers are trying to find ways to make more amazing, more fully functioning apps for mobile devices, trying to take the desktop experience to mobile.

I notice you don't go there again.

Dodging the point of what people are complaining about here Terence, that being, the app did have the functionality.

This is the kind of fatuous nonsense that's just plain wrong. iPhoto has lost no functionality at all. None. Your mistake is to assume that Photos is aimed at the same user for the same market. It's not.

Apple decided that we instead needed a dumbed-down, cloud-focused, iApp to make keeping track of selfies & sharing them sooo much more seamless.

I love the sneering on Selfies, you see that a lot. Apple decided nothing at all about you. (At what point do you get that this is not about you.) Apple looked at the people who are buying their products and decided that they needed to serve them. An app that helps them manage and process their photos across the ecosystem. Looked that way it's a pretty good app at what it is designed for. What you fail to see is that it's not aimed at you.

Nope. Which is why I am not letting Photos anywhere near my photo library

Which is just quite irrelevant and, indeed, demonstrates how little you've even looked at the app.

Oct 28, 2015 2:58 AM in response to Lexiepex

LexSchellings wrote:

"& I use iPhoto (and PS as well as a host of other apps)"

None of them do all you want?

Siiiiggghhh... yes, iPhoto did what I needed just fine.

Apple has dropped iPhoto in favour of an inferior app. The thread was about, at its core, how long Apple will continue to support the app they have orphaned, iPhoto.

Oct 28, 2015 3:32 AM in response to Yer_Man


Terence Devlin wrote:

Because I would have thought that a professional level DAM would more appropriate, offer more options and choices and much better file management. But then again, if you're library is only 50k images...

This may surprise you Terence but I haven't always included photography as a core part of my work.
When I started in the media I was primarily a writer. So when I first started using iPhoto & first started shooting digital in early 2004 it was virtually a novelty as most of my serious shooting was still on transparency film. Before I knew it I'd transitioned to digital & my library was over 10,000 images & growing steadily.
All of this had been through iPhoto and it served my purposes very well.
If an app is doing what you need then why would you invest a huge amount of time & resources into switching to another app?

And sorry I only have such a tiny library Terence. I'm sure you've a much bigger one.

I notice you don't go there again.

Ummm... I totally fail to see your point.
Did you want me to address every single point of every comment you made? I can if you wish but it would just become even more tedious.

...iPhoto has lost no functionality at all. None...

I'm sorry... what?
At what point did I ever say it had lost functionality?
The point is that Apple have killed it off or are in the process of doing so (unless they give it a reprieve) and the app that has replaced it is inferior.
You can twist it as much as you want and say Photos hasn't replaced iPhoto it's a different app blah blah blah but they are just weasel words.
Apple cut their two photo apps and in their place put one photo app. If you can't see that as 'replacing' then sorry...

At what point do you get that this is not about you.

Gee, I don't recall ever saying this is all about me.
Please excuse me if I voiced an opinion in relation to my uses and experience as a user. I didn't realise that such things were verboten under the TOU.
I, and it seems quite a few other users, don't get why Apple have killed a pretty darn good app that people relied on for both personal and professional purposes and replaced it with an inferior product.
If, as some seem to claim, Photos is NOT an iPhoto replacement then why did they not introduce it as an app for what it is - those who want access to images across multiple devices - and leave iPhoto as it was?

And really, lets face it, a lot of the drive behind Photos is so Apple can sell users cloud space.

Oct 28, 2015 3:48 AM in response to RexRox

Again, you really are taking this personally and it's not. Your biography is of no interest and relevance. My comment about 50k image was simply because any pros I know and work with have libraries in excess of 200k. At 50k I can see how iPhoto might make some sense, but it still lacks the kinds of management tools that a professional DAM has. But again, at no point do I ever care or want to know more about you.

The core irrationality of your position is exposed when you say this:

If, as some seem to claim, Photos is NOT an iPhoto replacement then why did they not introduce it as an app for what it is - those who want access to images across multiple devices - and leave iPhoto as it was?

And that is exactly what they did. Introduce a new app and leave iPhoto as it was.

I mean really, what on earth are you whining about now? That's been my point all along.

And really, lets face it, a lot of the drive behind Photos is so Apple can sell users cloud space.

You really like those little last lines don't you? Given that you've not looked closely at Photos and contradict yourself, I'll just simply say that there's not the case.

Oct 28, 2015 7:15 AM in response to RexRox

Hello RexRox, you obviously do not read well, only write.

"yes, iPhoto did what I needed just fine. " Then why do you mention that you have and use "& I use iPhoto (and PS as well as a host of other apps)" ?

But as I said already, we better end this thread: as you hacked it efficiently (and we reacted belatetdly..).

Oct 29, 2015 6:12 PM in response to Yer_Man

Keyword replacements for ratings is not a transferrable solution to Photos since Photos does not sort by keywords. It will allow sorts by keyword but this is of no use since Apple TV does not offer searches to retrieve the photos desired. Additionally, keyword sorts have troubles replicating the desired order if there are multiple keywords even within iPhoto. It also seems that sorts done by keyword are not preserved upon reopening iPhoto like they are with ratings. This means more than a hundred albums would have to be resorted every time you reopen iPhoto to restore the desired organization, this of course would be preposterous.

Oct 31, 2015 2:50 AM in response to DavidColumbus

I agree with you completely.....I was just getting to the point that I had organization under control and now, It's back to square one.....Please Apple, give us some photo organization tools. I agree, I do not want to take along my entire collection on all devices at all times. What I do want is a way to organize the 30+ years of photos I'm scanning in to my MAC--not to mention the thousands I take with my iPhone every year.

Oct 31, 2015 3:03 AM in response to Wileybell

What organisation tools are missing, exactly? If you can tell us that perhaps we can offer alternatives or ways to achieve the same thing.

The organisation tools in iPhoto are:

Events. This are automatic filing based on date and time of the shot.

Photos has Moments: automatic filing based on the date and time of the shot, plus location if that's available.

One significant difference? You can't manually add photos to an Event like you could in iPhoto.

Albums: Same in iPhoto and Photos.

Folders: Same in iPhoto and Photos.

Smart Albums: Same in iPhoto and Photos.

Keywords: Same in iPhoto and Photos.

So, I'm really not sure what on earth you mean when you say

Please Apple, give us some photo organization tools.

The tools are almost identical between the two apps.

I agree, I do not want to take along my entire collection on all devices at all times.

That's really easy. Don't turn on the iCloud Library. Done. Now it works exactly the same as iPhoto did.

What I do want is a way to organize the 30+ years of photos I'm scanning in to my MAC--not to mention the thousands I take with my iPhone every year

See above...

Oct 31, 2015 9:53 AM in response to Yer_Man

Terrence, there is nothing in Photos called Events. It is Moments and Collections. Both are only based upon date and location - and are not based upon Subject matter.

The organization tool that is missing from Photos is: Events.

Also, what is missing is the ability to easily move photos to easily create groupings by Subject matter. Date and location are not how I organize my photos. I create Subjects.

The key that is missing is the ability to easily arrange your photos by Subject matter. Photos prevents the user from easily creating his or her own subject matters - things that appeal to the individual user - rather than the pre-selected groupings of date and location. That is why Photos is like a clump of photos thrown into a shoebox - with the most recent clump on the top.

I know someone will write: why don't you create Albums?

Notice the key word I used: "easily" arrange. iPhotos allows you - without the slightest effort - to create your own organization by Subjects that mean something to you as the user. I have no desire to spend hours duplicating all of my pictures by creating albums that are separated from one another - rather than Events - that seamlessly allow you to view all of your photos in the same location while allowing for an organizational system based upon Subject matter.

I paid to take a course at the Apple store to learn how to work with Photos - so I am not ignorantly ranting here. The Apple instructor concluded that if you are concerned about photo-organization, you should not use Photos - you should use iPhotos.

What I learned about Photos is it has the ability to have all of my photos on my iPhone. Since I have no use for that, I found no advantages to using Photos.

Now if I may rant:

- I understand why Apple went to Photos. They are in the business to make money - like any company. And they were merely chasing the market in which most people have no concern about organzing their photos and want all of their photos on all of their devices. So I understand that.

- My criticism of Apple is that Apple either did not care - or they were not clever enough - to devise a system that allows photos to cross from one device to another - while still allowing users to easily create an organziational system based upon Subject matter as exists in iPhoto.

End of my rant.

Oct 31, 2015 10:20 AM in response to DavidColumbus

Moments in Photos are the new Events, i.e. groupings of photos sorted by date taken.

When the iPhoto Library was first migrated to Photos there is a folder created in the sidebar titled iPhoto Events and all migrated iPhoto Events (which are now Moments) are represented by an album in that folder. To open the sidebar if it's not already open use the Option+Command+S key combination.

NOTE: It's been reported by several users that if the Event albums are moved out of the iPhoto Library folder in the sidebar they may disappear. It's not widespread but several users have reported that issue. Therefore, if you want to assure that you keep those Event albums don't move them outside the iPhoto Events folder.

There's a way to simulate events in Photos.

When new photos are imported into the Photos library go to the Last Import smart album, select all the photos and use the File New Album menu option or use the key combination Command+N. Name it as desired. It will appear just above the iPhoto Events folder where you can drag it into the iPhoto Events folder

When you click on the iPhoto Events folder you'll get a simulated iPhoto Events window.

Albums and smart albums can be sorted by Title, by Date with oldest first and by Date with newest first.

Tell Apple what missing features you'd like restored or new features added in Photos via Apple-Photos Feedback.

User uploaded file

Oct 31, 2015 10:41 AM in response to Old Toad

Old Toad - thank you providing some specific advice.

And before I get criticism from others, I should explain what I meant by "easily" organize by Subject matter - which seems to be missing from Photo.

I do not want to spend hours keywording each and every photo. That is what I was taught what I would have to do at the Apple Photo course I took. That is cumbersome to me. I also don't like having separate albums on the side bar - that it makes it cumbersome to view.

With iPhoto I can "easily" move entire group of Events - from 5 to 500 photos - in less than a second - by merging events. Or in seconds, I can select photos from one Event, then cut and paste those photos into another Event - in which there is a logical grouping by Subject matter that I have created.

My photos are then viewable from one location and are grouped by Subject matters that make sense to me.

These are features that are missing from Photo.

Thank you for suggesting I send feedback. I did between the time Photo was first released and then "re-issued" with El Capitan. I saw no organizational changes in the "new" Photos.

Now my rant:

I am not convinced that Apple cares to develop a system that easily allows the user to select their own organizational system because the majority of Apple customers have no probelm just lumping all of their photos in Photos. Once the photo has been sent to Facebook or Twitter, most users no longer care where that photo is stored. Apple knows this and had no monetary interests devising a system for people who want to create their own, simple orgaizational system.

And while I am old, I am not an old fogey. Yes, I send photos to Facebook and even - gasp - take selfies.

Oct 31, 2015 11:02 AM in response to DavidColumbus

And before I get criticism from others, I should explain what I meant by "easily" organize by Subject matter - which seems to be missing from Photo.

No, not really. Keywords can be created to identify people, places, things in a photos and be quickly accessed via a smart album with criteria Keyword is "xxxx" or multiple keywords to get all photos with "xxxx" and "yyyy", Much quicker that looking for photos in events that are the same "subject" and dragging them to other Events, etc., etc.

Also if you want to import a folder of photos into the library and have them automatically placed in an album with the same name as the folder just use this Applescript from the Photos for Mac User Tips section: Photos for Mac: Import Folders of Image Files into Library as Albums.

This can give you a chance to rename the photos to something significant with an app like Name Mangler before importing. That provides another way to find files, by a search on text. I use the following format: YYYY-MM-DD-brief description-01.jpg, A little effort up front save a lot of anguish later on trying to identify image files.

User uploaded file

Oct 31, 2015 11:10 AM in response to Old Toad

Old Toad - thank you for your assistance.

I will give it a try. And please don't take this as a criticism. But all of these suggested workarounds sound like a lot of manipulations for something that is easily done & already available with iPhoto.

But that may be the old fogey in me - since I have not yet tried your suggestions.

I do appreciate your specific solutions that you propose and have taken the time to share. I know someday iPhoto may not work as it works right now.

will iPhoto work with El Capitan ?

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