I finally got frustrated because my AirDrop and Handoff was one-directional (xfer iPhone 6s iOS 9.2 ---> MBP El Cap 10.11.2). Did everything above, but then something clicked. When we initially upgrade OS X, we're given the opportunity to log into iCloud. We're also given the opportunity to create user accounts that don't HAVE to be iCloud enabled. Here's what I did as a final thing in addition to the aforementioned fixes.
Log out of iCloud on your OSX machine. (don't worry. All of your iCloud-enabled content, logins, etc. are still in the cloud, but deleted off your OSX machine.
Log in to iCloud on your OSX machine. I default all of the options, but if you don't.... try and match the same options you use for iCloud.
My gut is that the Airdop isn't altogether hw/system pref related, rather iCloud related. Reason being... I have a vanilla iPod mini with just iCloud connectivity that could not access the MBP, but now it does. Still running iOS 9... not 9.1 or 9.2. Gotta love iCloud software changes between OSX revisions. *ahem*
Let me know if that works for you.