It is not presently possible to review Activity app data online. If you would like Apple to consider adding that feature, you can suggest it here:
Health and fitness data from Apple Watch, iPhone and other sources is aggregated within the Health app on iPhone. Combined data is reflected in the Health app Dashboard, which adjusts results to avoid any double counting of data from different sources.
Sharing options include a Share button at the top right of the screen within the Activity app. This enables sharing including to social media, Messages, Mail, Notes and a printer.
There are also some third-party apps that you may find helpful - for example:
QS Access
- "Access your data from HealthKit in a table so you can explore it using Numbers, Excel, R, or any other CSV compatible tool."
- https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/qs-access/id920297614?mt=8
SpectaRun Workouts
- "Visualize running workouts from your Apple Watch on your iPhone, and export those workouts so you can upload them to your favorite online running community."
- https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/spectarun-workouts/id991723862?mt=8
You can also export data directly from the Health app (Health Data > All - Share button at the top right).
Check the descriptions and support resources for third-party apps for details of any supported data import features.