iOS 9.2 iCloud backup still not fixed!!!
So I've been plagued with the Backup could not be completed problem and I've been waiting for Apple to release a fix and I was happy to see this problem mentioned as one of the bugs dealt with in iOS 9.2, BUT it was not actually fixed!
Now my phone is not backed up at all after all Apple geniuses advised that I delete older backups from iCould and try again, my MacBook storage is too small to carry my 128gb iPhone backup and now if my phone dies for some reason all my life is gone with it, well most of it!
Tried backing up my iPhone to external storage but Apple won't let you do that cause we are freaking slaves and not free to do what we want, so now I hope they would finally listen and address this issue that has been mentioned many times before!!!!
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 9.2, 128 GB