External drives formatted in exfat on windows are best for delivering files between mac
for transfer of files (mainly Word 2010 documents and Acrobat Adobe PDF)between my Windows computer and the Mac Mini I tried when I first got the Mac mini
To use the migration route what ethernet cables between computers–one a Mac mini the other hey Windows 7 PC– but there was a problem on the Windows PC that stopped it apparently..
However, several sites advised do use external drives and that it was best that the external drive (be it either a flash drive or a larger saeta drive ) be formatted in the ex-fat format on a Windows PC. I talked to an Apple support person but the Applesupport person never knew anything abou this. But it seems to work for me. However, I am new to Apple Macs. Does anybody have any advice or comments or experience relevant to This? The format fat 32 was supposed to allow ork but was limited to I believe files no more then 4 MB or gigabytes I forget which.
Does the above sound correct and are there any possible problems for transferring files between the two types of computers in this matter? Also, I'm interested in other ways the Transfer. I note bad that These are home computers in the same room.
Any advice, comments, or experiences would be appreciated in this area print thank you!
(FYI: I used enable dictation to write this– And made several errors and I try to correct them all. But if something looks weird please try to make sense of it because of all this dictation system that is the one that is labeled "enabled dictation "actually on the computer seems much better than Dragon NaturallySpeaking–it's not perfect.) Again thank you!
Mac mini (Late 2014), OS X El Capitan (10.11.3), null