I really need help in finding the right HDMI to AV-RCA converter for converting the Apple TV picture to 4:3 aspect ratio on a standard definition CRT TV without causing the picture to be distorted.
I'm failing to recognize what specific product I need to select for converting my Apple TV3 HDMI picture to display on my 36" Sony CRT set, with 480p standard definition with 4:3 aspect ratio. The Tendak 1080P HDMI to AV 3RCA CVBs Composite Converter, along with the two other converters I have tried from other sellers, convert the picture from my Apple TV but the picture does not maintain proper proportions for the Sony's 4:3 aspect radio. The net result is a vertically scrunched picture. I have tried all of the various picture resolutions on the Apple TV and I can't get the scrunched picture to go away. When I use The Tendak 1080P HDMI to AV 3RCA CVBs Composite Converter on the HDMI port on my Windows PC, I can adjust the display resolution in the Windows Settings to get the picture in proper proportions on a Standard Definition CRT TV. The same goes for using this Converter to to connect an HDMI Bu-Ray player to my 4:3 CRT set because the Blu-ray player allows me to select a screen setting that makes the picture look proportional on my old tube TV. I really need help in finding the right HDMI to AV-RCA converter for converting the Apple TV picture to 4:3 aspect ratio on a standard definition CRT TV without causing the picture to be distorted.
Apple TV, iOS 9.2.1