Problem with Currency Symbol
Is there a way to customise the currency symbol in El Capitan? My Language & Region setting is as follow. Before upgrading to El Capitan, currency in application, such as Excel, is shown as "$". After the upgrade, it is now shown as "HK$". I prefer showing it as "$". But if I change the Currency to US Dollar ($), the symbol will become "US$".
This problem has been bugging me for a while. I know I can use custom format for currency in the software, such as Number or Excel. However, I cannot change the format in some software, such as MYOB. The Income Statement is now filled with HK$, which is indeed very difficult to read. It also creates other problem. For instance, if I copy a cell with HK$ in Excel to Google Sheet, it will be treated as TEXT in Google Sheet instead of number. I therefore need to change the format in Excel to plain number first before I do the copy and paste. This doesn't happen to Mountain Lion or prior versions. Any idea if I can customise the currency symbol in the OS? Thanks!