Disclaimer - I have switched to Office 2016 since it was released
Jalinx wrote:
I have a MacBook Pro Retina Late 2013 with a SSD of 128G. I have a couple of question s to manage my mail outside the SSD:
1. Can I erase the Main Identity shown in the attached image (Picture 1)? it is consuming almost half the the Micrisoft User Data folder.
I believe the main identity has your profile in addition to the emails - if you delete it you may have to recreate your profile
https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Manage-identities-edc1a942-8242-46bd-8a 9b-076553d5494d
Instead of deleting the folder upfront - here is what I would advise
Backup your current system and take note of the date/time
Cut and paste the folder in question to an external location - that way if you find out you made an error you can put it back
Once you have the system working well for a week or two - you can go back and delete the folder from the step above
2. At some point I archived my 2012 emails (Picture 2) and I want to find the file to move it to an external drive.
You can - you have to do it after you close outlook for 10-15 as the folder is locked as long as Outlook is open and running
The next time you open outlook it will tell you it cannot find that folder but also offer to let you "map" the path to the new location - if you do not have that external storage with you all the time - probably be a good idea to collapse the folder so it does not ask for a location
3. Can I move al the archived emails to an external drive and still be able to see them in my outlook?
Yes - see my answer to the previous question
Thanks in advance for any help