"Still seems bizarre that spreadsheet designers assume no one wants to sort a row, like I do. They need to get out more!"
It's a design choice.
Spreadsheet designers go for the big picture, and decided long ago that a database table was the model to use.
Each row is a record—a group of data in a set of fields that should stay together.
Each column is a field.
The standard sort is to sort the records on the data contained in a single field, or on a hierarchical list of fields.
Apple's designers, working on AppleWorks 6 made mostly cosmetic changes, but they did make one significant design change: They added the capability you want—to sort a single column within a spreadsheet table.
I was in charge of judging the exhibits at the regional science fair for several years, and a colleague had developed a spreadsheet in either ClarisWorks or AppleWorks 5 to do the calculations on the scores submitted by the judges. We'd been using it for several years, making small improvements each year. When AppleWorks 6 was released, the schools upgraded, and the science fair people (mostly teachers in one of the districts in the region) adopted it if it had been installed in their schools.
All was well until, deep into recording the registrations for the fair, it came time to sort the list.
We expected a standard "sort the table on the data in the selected column' sort, but got a sort of a single column.
Several hours later (and some hours into the next day, which was a school day) we finally had everything moved back into the record/row it belonged in, and made the decision that for that year at least, we'd save the file as an AppleWorks 5 file, load it into AW 5, and finish the fair with that application, for this year at least.
When Apple eventually declared EOL on AppleWorks, and delivered Numbers '08, the developers had apparently learned their lesson—a sort sorted rows with the sort keyed on data in one or more columns. Data stayed in the same row as the rest of the data associated with it, and the whole row moved together.
For those who needed to sort single columns without disturbing the order of the other columns, a simple solution soon arose: Take the data (and the column itself, if you desired), perform the sort on that single column table, then return the sorted data, or the column containing the sorted data to its original location within the original column. Quick, easy, and with the conscious effort needed to separate the data from the rest of the table, much less chance of the misfortune we suffered on that occasion several years ago.