Typing this on my Smart Keyboard. Finally. I have an iPad Pro 12.9” (2nd Generation) and I only discovered the keyboard stopped working yesterday. I spent lot’s of time reading and watching videos until finally stumbling across the post from iPodge. Unbelievable.
I have this working but WITHOUT magnets. I should qualify by saying the magnetic switch is undoubtedly the underlying cause.
I didn’t have a magnet to hand so played about hovering the iPad above the guttering, just shy of actually being fully seated. To my amazement it detected the Smart Keyboard and it started working. I found it promptly disconnected once I let go and allowed it to fully “snap” into the guttering.
So, I grabbed an old plastic points card you get from supermarkets and once I got it to recognise the keyboard doing my hover trick, I shoved the plastic card beneath (above keys 6-9) and let go. It still works!!! Not sure why 😂
Happy this is working. I’ll get a magnet soon but hope this helps. I am appalled at how this has screwed up having paid a small fortune for this Apple accessory. It’s had little usage in the past 3/4 years so it certainly hasn’t worn out. I was fearing having to buy another keyboard case, but my iPad Pro is now considered old so many “alternatives” don’t support it. So that spurred me on to get this fixed.
Thank you iPodge!