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iOS 10 - Alarm stopped working

I've upgraded my iPhone 6 to iOS 10.0.1 and ever since the update, my alarm clock no longer works. I can set an alarm, the alarm clock icon shows up in the upper RH of the screen, but when it's time to alert, nothing happens. The phone does not turn on, it does not create any sound. I've tried everything I could think of and the suggestions online, but no luck.

Another odd behavior is that even after an alarm has past (with no reaction in the phone) the icon in the upper RH remains. I can delete all alarms, the alarm icon still is present on the screen.

I've tried the new Bedtime feature thinking it my by part of the problem, but it also does not work. However, it does have some impact; if I turn on the bedtime feature, the alarm clock icon on the upper RH of the screen will go away and any alarm (on the alarm screen) that was armed gets turned off. It's as if the two are mutually exclusive meaning you can either use Bedtime or traditional alarms, but not both. Does anyone know if this is the case?

I really doubt I'll use the Bedtime feature, it's a little odd and not terribly useful for a hectic life that isn't too predictable for going to bed each night. However, losing total functionality of the traditional alarm clock is a huge disappointment.

I've tried restarting the phone; the only thing that does is make the alarm clock icon disappear (if it was stuck on from a prior alarm). It does not restore the actual vibrate / audible function of an alarm that is set.

I also deleted my iHome clock app thinking the alarms from that app might somehow be competing with the native iOS alarm function, even though they both worked fine in iOS 9.

iPhone 6, iOS 10, Alarm Clock

Posted on Sep 22, 2016 1:11 PM

155 replies
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Jan 9, 2017 3:26 AM in response to djadventure

Erasing and rebuilding the phone doesn't work.

I have now done that twice - not prepared to do it a third time!

The alarm issue was not one that I exprecienced prior to my rebuild - even after the iOS update. It has only been an issue since having to start from scratch.


Jan 10, 2017 5:45 AM in response to jrich4945

This happened to me again this morning!!

:( I was late to watch my grandsons and my daughter was late to work. So frustrating. To fix it you have to power off and back on to reset.

Yesterday my battery was very low before I recharged it. I think that happened the last time too


Jan 10, 2017 3:03 PM in response to jrich4945

Same thing happened to my iPhone 6S Plus and now 7 Plus, in the last couple of months. Everything started after updating the iOS to version 10 and none of its versions seems to be fixing the problem. I even tried am older 6 Plus for a few days and ran into the same problem with iOS 10. I tried everything recommended on this thread and some more, to no avail. After each fix, the phone works for a couple of days (more or less) and then suddenly the alarm won't go off in the morning, without any reason. I couldn't find any specific pattern in the phone's usage that triggers this nasty iOS 10 bug, it seems to be completely random so far.

Apple, please address and fix this iOS 10.x.x problem ASAP!!! There are so many of us impacted by it!


Jan 14, 2017 9:10 AM in response to Lexie10wolf

Lexie10wolf wrote:

I have found this same problem with my alarm function. I also found out that it works when I'm in a call but not otherwise. Apple help!

As noted above, Apple is not reading here. Use the Contact Us link at the bottom right of every page for information on how to contact Apple directly.


Jan 20, 2017 6:45 PM in response to TiggerTook2

That's exactly what my phone does to. Alarm doesn't sound and music doesn't sound but games will sound. I've tried everything and after doing a soft reset or powering off everything will function normally for three or four days and then the problems start again. It's incredibly frustrating.


Jan 23, 2017 5:54 PM in response to Jon B 74

i have a similar situation. iphone 7 dissappoints me big time twice over the last two months. The first week i was disappointed because of the cellphone ringtone not working after my girlfriend telling me my cellphone ringtone not working several times. I found out when the ringtone doesn't work, i can go into the ringtone setting mode, can see the ringtone not making any sound. I upgraded my ios and after that ringtone seemed to work fine for a month now. And this morning a catastrophic event happened! I had set three alarms before bed and had an online work session appointment this morning. I completely missed the three alarms, missing the appointment! What an embarrassment! So I went into the alarm settiing mode and found out the alarm ringtone setting didn't make any sound. Similar situation again. This time though, the cellphone ringtone was ok. It was just the alarm clock ringtone that had a bug. Man! This is such a fatal bug! So I upgraded my ios to the latest version 10.2.1. I hope the problem doesn't appear again. Next time, I will have to check the ringtone setting mode whenever I set the alarm. I can't rely on iphone any more. What a shame to iphone legacy.


Feb 7, 2017 4:50 AM in response to jrich4945

I'd sure like to know why Apple hasn't fixed this, as I've seen reports of it happening since the release of iOS 10. It's happening to me, and I even got a new phone, upgraded from 6 to 7... and the problem returns. I'm a little miffed and I feel scammed.


Feb 7, 2017 9:01 AM in response to 0blivy0n

0blivy0n wrote:

I'd sure like to know why Apple hasn't fixed this, as I've seen reports of it happening since the release of iOS 10. It's happening to me, and I even got a new phone, upgraded from 6 to 7... and the problem returns. I'm a little miffed and I feel scammed.

Probably because it 1) isn't that common which makes it hard to diagnose and 2) is also probably different problems with the same symptom.

Have you reported your issue to Apple by taking your phone to the Genius Bar or by calling Apple Support? If you don't do that, they don't have a record of the problem. Apple isn't reading here.


Feb 8, 2017 3:20 AM in response to himanshu28

Thanks so much! Toggling airplane mode off then on again fixed the alarm issue! The alarm shut off properly after ringing and vibrating. Thanks so much.

Although, I have dug out my old alarm clock and will be using it to wake up now but I really do appreciate the easy fix


Feb 8, 2017 11:12 AM in response to IdrisSeabright

I have.I actually took it to a Genius Bar. Two people working there told me they haven't heard of anything like it in 5 years since they started there. And guess what - tried all sorts of resetting, with and without backup, with and without restore, nothing changed. Want to hear a good one? They changed my phone, and the same thing happens with this one as well, albeit a bit more rarely.

They're clueless, plain and simple.


Feb 8, 2017 11:29 AM in response to Ssmokes

Ssmokes wrote:

I have.I actually took it to a Genius Bar. Two people working there told me they haven't heard of anything like it in 5 years since they started there. And guess what - tried all sorts of resetting, with and without backup, with and without restore, nothing changed. Want to hear a good one? They changed my phone, and the same thing happens with this one as well, albeit a bit more rarely.

They're clueless, plain and simple.

If it happened with a second phone, it means it's likely that something in whatever you're installing on the phone is causing the problem. Whether or not you want to believe it, it really is a fairly fair problem. I understand that's cold comfort when you're one of the few people with the problem. But, it does make it a lot harder to figure out what the source of the problem is. Being unable to solve a problem you've never seen before doesn't necessarily mean you're clueless.


Feb 8, 2017 11:37 AM in response to IdrisSeabright

I'm not saying they were clueless as a whole, I consider(ed) the whole handling of the issue as being unprofessional. Ok, I have no problem accepting the possibility of an app causing this. Funny enough, I was told I should restart my phone at least once a week as a general "healthy practice", and that should make the issue go away. Well, thanks but no thanks!

But back on point, let me ellaborate. Initially, I thought I was the only one with this issue, and with that thought I went to the Genius Bar the first time, back in December. Then I found this topic, and it turns out I'm not the only one with it! Fast forward another visit, and the phone replaced, and the issue persisting.

Well, if an app is causing the issue, gather a list of apps that these customers have installed, centralize the data and let's rule out the culprit, it's not exactly rocket science. I'm sorry if I seem overly-frustrated, but it's not funny having to check my alarm sounds before going to bed each night, just in case.


iOS 10 - Alarm stopped working

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