iPhone 7 & straight talk
I have/bought a straight talk iPhone 5S & when I setup it up I got a message " congratulations now set up, AT&T" years ago.
I want the new iPhone 7 and use straight talk, I've been doing some searching & seems it can be done, though will there be any issues down the road with straight talk since I brought my own phone.
With new info, Qualcomm models like Verizon model, would do better in bad reception areas, vs intel like AT&T. I would like to have the Qualcomm version but Verizon coverage might not be as good as AT&T here. & T mobile coverage ***** here, if any.
Though to buy a unlocked iPhone from Apple people say you have to choose T mobile to buy one if you don't have a Verizon or AT&T plan already, I don't want T mobile service through straight talk.
I want AT&T service with Qualcomm version if possible if not then intel will have to do.
Some say I can just take out my SIM card from my iPhone 5S & put into the iPhone 7 & it'll work, true ? Or need to buy a new SIM card ? I assume the SIM card is set up as a AT&T card.
If I buy a unlocked T mobile iPhone 7 from Apple will it run on straight talk AT&T ? Can you take a unlocked verizon iPhone 7 & run it on straight talk AT&T plan & can you pull the 5S SIM card (set up as AT&T but straight talk) & put into a Verizon but straight talk still.
I'm confused as to which to buy, I want the iPhone 7 ( better version if possible) and using straight talk.
iPhone 7, iOS 10