How to convert rtfd to doc(x)?
I am in need of converting rtfd files to doc(x) files or similar without loosing any data and getting WYSIWYG outcome.
I have worked with Scrivener for my research project. When "compiling" to get WYSIWYG I was to opt for rtfd files, only option. Afterwards I’ve converted successfully rtfd to pdfs via TextEdit, so far so good.
Then I realized that doc(x) files or similar would be even more handy. TextEdit won’t help because it doesn’t have "save as" option, it only recognize option for "export(ing) as PDF".
It seems that rtfd file can’t be opened, displayed nor edited in Pages or Word — so can’t use those. Both are at their latest version.
Basically I would like to import my rtfd files to CAQDAS(/ Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software), but CAQDAS won’t support such file format. The obvious would be to import pdfs, but it’s getting ridiculously sluggish when working with the pdf file within of CAQDAS. Trust me, I've tried.
For CAQDAS rtfd files need to converted (e.g. TXT, RTF, DOC/X, PDF, JPG, GIF, TIF and PNG format). Preferably to doc(x), but what’s the trick?
I have read that Terminal with MacOS would do the job, but I am unfamiliar with that. How does its operate? Do I lose data? Do I get WYSIWYG outcome?
Anyway I need step-by-step advises.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, macOS Sierra (10.12.1), Scrivener 2.8