wireless printing canon MG3520
Since upgrading to Sierra Mac OS 10.12.2 I cannot set-up wireless printing to my Canon MG3520 multifunction printer. The setup program quits after the first couple of screens - never lets me get to proceed with the wireless setup - neither via a wireless only setup or via a USB cable wireless setup. I am upgrading from Yosemite 10.10.5 on a nearly 7 year old MacBook Pro (mid-2010).
USB Printing is working fine (i.e. when connected to a cable). This printer worked fine for over 2.5 years wirelessly with Yosemite. Any suggestions? I've tried to contact Canon--- downloaded the setup version 5.1 (dated October 2014) but I don't find a more recent set-up program.
Thanks for any comments / assistance.
Best regards,
Steve Schulte
Wednesday 4 January 2017
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Yosemite (10.10.3), And a 1989 Mac SE running OS 6.0.4