See article: Create or use your Apple ID without a payment method:
See article: Create or use your Apple ID without a payment method:
Have you ever tried hard resetting the phone? For iPhone 6s and below, do Power + Home Button. For iPhone 7 and above, do Power + Volume Down and hold for 10 sec until the screen goes off. Then turn it back on.
- Soham 🙂
Usually the solution to these type of problems is to log out of the App Store. Then log back in:
Settings → Tap your name on the top → iTunes and App Store → Tap your Apple ID on the top → Sign Out
Then sign back in and try to download app again in app sto
It’s still not working
Can you be more specific?
What are you trying to do exactly and what is the error message given ?
The more precise your description the easier it will be to diagnose the pro
My phone is doing the exact same thing, did you ever find a way to fix it??
Battling this same problem. Ready to use my recent computer back up to restore. I wish they would have updates complete before sending it out...
My iPhone won't let me download apps or update them