Script: Copy GPS tags from one Photo to Other Photos
While the location tags of a photo are read-only in Photos on Yosemite and El Capitan and cannot be changed by an Apple Script, it is now possible to change the latitude and longitude tags of selected photos from an Apple Script.
According to the AppleScript dictionary for Photos we should also be able to modify the altitude tag, but when I try to add an altitude value to a photo, it results in an error message.
But at least we now can copy the latitude and longitude from a photo and add it to other photos. The following Apple Script is an example for writing GPS to a photo.
You can use it like this:
- Create an album with the photos you want to tag with GPS.
- Add the photo you want to copy the GPS from as the first photo to this album.
- Then select first the photo with the GPS coordinates, hold down the shift key and select the last photo in the album.
Now open the script in the Script Editor and click run.
All selected photos will have the same coordinates after this.
Try this first on a separate library for testing and make a backup of your main Photos Library before you try batch changes this way.
(* Batch change the time of selected photos all at once
How to use this script:
- Collect all photos you want to set to the same GPS coordinates in an album and sort them manually
- The first photo should have a GPS location assigned
- Select first the photo with the correct location, the hold down the Shift key and select all photos you want to set to the same location at once. You need to select at least two photos.
- Open this script and run it by pressing the "Run" button.
- The script will copy the location from the first image and set all photos to the same location
- if you save this script as an Application you can add it to the Dock and run it from there
This script has been tested in Photos version 2.0, with MacOS X 10.12.2
© Léonie
(* select at least 2 images in Photos *)
tell application "Photos"
set imageSel to (get selection)
if (imageSel is {}) or (the length of imageSel < 2) then
error "Please select at least two images."
set withAlti to false
set withLati to false
set withLongi to false
tell the first item of imageSel
set loc to get the location--retrieve longitude and latitude as list
set alti to get the altitude-- retrieve the altitude
set lati to (the first item of loc) -- as number
set longi to (the second item of loc) -- as number
-- return altiS
set withAlti to (alti is not equal to missing value)
set withLati to (lati is not equal to missing value)
set withLongi to (longi is not equal to missing value)
if not withLati then
set withLati to false
error "Photo has no Latitude assigned"
end if
if not withLongi then
error "Photo has no Latitude assigned"
end if
if (lati > 90.0) or (lati < -90.0) then
error "Latitude out of range " & lati
end if
if (longi > 180.0) or (longi < -180.0) then
error "Longitude out of range " & longi
end if
end tell
on error errTexttwonumbererrNumtwo
display dialog "No GPS: " & errNumtwo & return & errTexttwo
end try
if (not withLongi or not withLati) then
return {loc, alti} --testing
end if
repeat with i from 2 to count of imageSel
set next_image to itemi of imageSel
tell next_image
set its location to {lati, longi}
-- if withAlti then -- photo has altitude tag
-- set its altitude to alti
-- end if
end tell
if withAlti then -- photo has altitude tag
tell next_image
-- set its altitude to alti as number -- does not work
end tell
end if
end repeat
end if
return {loc, alti, "Done"} -- for testing
end tell
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), macOS Sierra (10.12.2), 2,8 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB, 1TB