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itunes not showing music

When I open iTunes on my Windows 10 PC it is not showing the music in my library. On the left under Library I see

  1. Recently Added, the latest item listed is an album I added in 2013. I've added a lot since then
  2. Artist - only five artist are displayed, I have a lot more than this
  3. Albums - only five albums are displayed, I have a lot more than this
  4. Songs - only five songs are displayed, I have a lot more than this
  5. Complitations - this is empty

If I look at Preferences > Advanced I see C:\Users\UserName\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music. In Windows Explorer if I open this folder I see several folders which have the artist name as the folder name. I looked at the contents of one folder (Alabama) and it contains two folders each is an album and if I open them they contain the music tracks and have a file extension of m4a.

How in the heck do I get iTunes to display my music?

Windows 10

Posted on Mar 20, 2017 1:39 AM

16 replies
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Mar 20, 2017 10:32 PM in response to jgtiii

A bit more info, summary and questions

  1. I think the Music\Audiobooks folder and contents can be deleted
  2. I think the Music\IPons folder and contents can be deleted
  3. My Music is actually in Music\iTunes\iTunes Music and the Audiobook I managed to add is in Music\iTunes\iTunes\AudioBooks
  4. Looking in Music\iTunes\Previous iTunes Libraries the newest .itl file I see is iTunes Library 2016-09-26.itl. It seems that I have no choice but to put this in Music\iTunes and rename it to iTunes Library.itl I tried this and in the iTunes Preferences > Advanced I changed the iTunes Media folder location to Music\iTunes\iTunes Music, started iTunes but still I don't see my music. This leaves me confused. BTW using the search tool "Everything" I searched the C drive and I did not see any files that possibly would be better than the file I picked.
  5. Question - What should be the folder structure for iTunes on a Windows 10 PC?
  6. Question - After I get the correct folder structure how do I get iTunes to use it?
  7. Question - Assuming that Music\iTunes\iTunes\AudioBooks is correct when I sync with the iPhone will the books contained in that folder then appear when I select Audiobooks on the iPhone? "AND" can I then play the book without issues?

Following is what I see when I look at the Music folder on the PC, note also the IPons and iTunes folders.

User uploaded file

Following is the contens of the Music\IPons folder, note the IPons\Music folder this contains a very small part of my music

User uploaded file

Following is the contents of the Music\iTunes folder ( I had to capture this as multiple images and l did not include some of the images, note the iTunes Music (This is the real copy of my music) and the AudioBooks folder (this is where I managed to place one book via iTunes, the files here are MP3 files)

User uploaded file

User uploaded file

User uploaded file

At this point I skipped several images.

User uploaded file


Mar 22, 2017 10:09 AM in response to jgtiii


First apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Another long and busy day at work.

Changing the media folder listed in iTunes preferences tells iTunes where to put new media that is added to the library. It won't make an empty library detect the media in that folder. iTunes does't generally like you to move content around by hand, but there are certain changes that can be made which won't break existing connections to the media. These are set out in Make a split library portable. If the library is already full of broken links then it may be a good move to manually create the standard layout before trying other techniques to repair broken links, but I wouldn't start there. Your library is not only the sum of all the files in the media folder, but also various other bits of information such as ratings, play counts, playlists, date added values and other metadata not captured in the tags. Restoring or connecting to an older library file should bring back this data. There are tips to get the library file updated with any new content added since the database was archived.

So, it would seem that ..\Music\iTunes\Previous iTunes Libraries\iTunes Library 2016-09-26.itl is the newest .itl file that you have. This makes a degree of sense. The last update that made a change to the database was 12.5.1 back in September. iTunes 12.6 released yesterday/today does it again.

  1. Open ..\Music\iTunes\Previous iTunes Libraries
  2. Select the file iTunes Library 2016-09-26.itl and press Ctrl+C to copy it
  3. Navigate to ..\Music\iTunes and press Ctrl+V to paste
  4. Select the existing .itl file and press F2 to rename it, call it iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl
  5. Select and rename iTunes Library 2016-09-26.itl as iTunes Library.itl
  6. Open iTunes. You should see your library as it was last September.

For 4 & 5 if you don't see the .itl file extensions listed in Windows Explorer then the extension is hidden. Imagine it is there in both cases rather than adding it, otherwise you'll end up with a file ending in .itl.itl which iTunes won't try to open.

Let me know how you get on. Then we can talk about the other repairs or optimizations that might be worth carrying out. It isn't entirely clear to me yet if all of the media content located outside of ..\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music is duplicate or unwanted stuff that can be discarded, content that has never been added to the active library, but should have been, content that has been added, but in a way that left outside of the active media folder, or some combination of all three.

Regarding the specific questions you asked earlier:

5. Question - What should be the folder structure for iTunes on a Windows 10 PC?

The right-hand layout shown in Make a split library portable.

6. Question - After I get the correct folder structure how do I get iTunes to use it?

Better to get iTunes to make the changes once it is displaying your media, using some of the steps from the same user tip. I can guide you through which later.

7 .Question - Assuming that Music\iTunes\iTunes\AudioBooks is correct when I sync with the iPhone will the books contained in that folder then appear when I select Audiobooks on the iPhone? "AND" can I then play the book without issues?

The correct folder for audiobooks in a well-formed iTunes library is <Media Folder>\Audiobooks\<Author>, however iTunes should be able to sync any media that is designated as an audiobook (or other specific media type) to your devices provided it is selected to sync and it is wherever iTunes knows it to be located. iTunes is generally agnostic to the particular locations of files except when you try to move the library to a new path or computer, then it definitely helps to use the standard names for the library folder (iTunes), media folder (iTunes Media) and to have all content connected to the library inside the media folder.



Mar 20, 2017 11:44 AM in response to turingtest2

Much thanks for your reply but at my dummy level I remain lost and confused. Following is what I did based on your suggestions however I did not find a solution. Possibly I did something wrong. I've attempted to include all of the actions and results of the actions in the order that they occurred. I'll wait for additional suggestions. I have a question at the bottom of this post.

In the referenced link I see "With iTunes 12.2 or later it may pay to turn off iCloud Music Library and Apple Music before attempting to restore an older copy of your database as shown below. These options can be found under Edit > Preferences > General (Windows)" I have v12.5.5.5 and I see the following. How do I turn off the suggested features?

User uploaded file

Ref the section "In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder (inside your main iTunes library folder) there should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library as iTunes Library (Corrupt) and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library. Start iTunes. iTunes should now show all your content, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library."

I did this but the previous file was iTunes Library 2010-06-21.itl I was expecting to see a file with a much more recent date. I used the file but still I cannot see the music.

I just noticed that my music is located at C:\Users\username\Music\IPons\iTunes Music\Music (I see this in the Windows File Explorer) and iTunes is pulling music from C:\Users\username\Music\iTunes and in the Preferences > Adv I see C:\Users\username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music

I have no idea what created the IPons folder assuming this is correct. In the Windows File manager I drill down to

(1) C:\Users\Username\Music\IPons\iTunes Music\Music and (2) C:\Users\username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music I see the same music in both locations.

In Preferences > Adv I clicked the Change button and selected C:\Users\username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music but still I don't see the music.

User uploaded file

Back to the referenced link I see "Alternatively, depending on exactly when and why the library went missing, there may be a recent .tmp file in the main iTunes folder that can be renamed as iTunes Library.itl to restore the library to a previous state. " I used the search tool Everything to search the "C:\Users\username\Music\" folder, the TMP files are super old or reference downloads.

I closed iTunes. press the Shift key, double-clicked on the iTunes short cut. iTunes presents me with the Choose iTunes Library. I click the Choose Library and select C:\Users\username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music but will NOT accept this when I click the Open button. I just saw another iTunes Media folder at C:\Users\username\Music\Audiobooks\iTunes Media but it does not contain my music nor does it contain the albums in the above image.

At this point I'm totally confused and not really sure what the heck I should do. It is highly possible I have gone down the wrong paths. At this point I really hate iTunes and Apple and have spent about 15 hours trying to resolve the darn issue.

I did not try your suggested link Make a split library portable just because at the present I'm too confused. Later today I will try.

Question: In that I see three different folders related to iTunes in the Music Library on the PC should I delete all of them and restore from the iPhone? If yes I need the dummies instructions.


Mar 24, 2017 8:32 AM in response to jgtiii

For 5. you first need to select the device using the device icon:

User uploaded file

Then in the left hand column select Audiobooks and set options as required, e.g. Sync Audiobooks and All audiobooks, then finally click Sync at the bottom of the screen.

Apple devices can also be a little funky with multi-track audiobooks. (It is just possible that they work better now than they used to, but I'm having trouble syncing at all right now so I cannot test.) You can either make playlists or tweak the track names or sort names to ensure that they are sorted correctly. See Audiobooks on iPods for details.



Mar 20, 2017 6:29 AM in response to jgtiii

See Empty/corrupt iTunes library after upgrade/crash.

iTunes Music is also the old name for the media folder. See Make a split library portable for some tips on getting your library into the normal shape. From the sound of things steps b., c. and then g. would put your library in a more typical layout.



Mar 22, 2017 2:40 PM in response to jgtiii

Take a look inside the Previous iTunes Libraries folder. Is there a new file there from today? iTunes will have needed to update the database again for the current build and it may have done a partial job. Compare the size of the current file with those in the Previous iTunes Libraries folder.

You could try the renaming process one more time, otherwise move on to adding any media that isn't currently attached to the library.

  1. Use File > Add Folder to Library and select the folder ..\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media
  2. Repeat the File > Add Folder to Library process for any of the other folders in Music that have content you want to add, e.g. Amazon MP3, Audiobooks, iPons, Rolling Stones, etc. Or, if you want to be more selective, move content that you want to add into ..\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Automatically Add to iTunes
  3. Use File > Library > Organize Library and tick the boxes for both Rearrange Files (if you can) and Consolidate Files then click OK
  4. Under Edit > Preferences > Advanced turn Keep organized... off and click OK, then go back in and turn Keep Organized... on and Copy files... if not currently selected.
  5. Your iTunes folder should contain the folders Album Artwork, iTunes Media and Previous iTunes Libraries, plus the five library files. Anything else in there may be originals that have already been consolidated into the main media folder, or more orphaned content. Discard or move into the Automatically Add to iTunes folder as appropriate.

If your library has ended up with some duplicates we can tackle that next.



Mar 23, 2017 8:58 PM in response to turingtest2

Sorry, but what do you mean by "They need to be synced from the device's Books tab when it is connected to iTunes." I don't see any Books tab. Can you include an image?

FYI I obtain audiobooks from my public library via Overdrive in MP3 format. In the past I used an Android phone to listen to the books and it was super easy. Now with the iPhone I want to do the same but it has proven to be a royal pain. I download the book from the public library. The downloaded book is now in C:\Users\username\Documents\My Media\MP3 Audiobooks From what I understand

  1. I then need to copy the downloaded files from the downloaded folder and add them to iTunes. In windows file explore, I select the folder containing the books, drag and drop on the itunes window.
  2. In iTunes I need to select all of the book files, right-click on the selected files and select "Get Info:
  3. A small window opens and ask "Are you sure you want to edit information for multiple items", I click the "Edit Items" button
  4. The screen changes, I then click the Options tab, click on the dropdown for "media kind" and select Audiobook.
  5. Now when I connect the iPhone to the PC iTunes should sync the Audiobook to the iPhone.
  6. Now the audiobook should be on the iPhone and I access it via the iBooks app.

Please correct the steps that are not correct.


Mar 20, 2017 4:04 PM in response to jgtiii


Don't delete anything in haste. No need to restore from your iPhone (which isn't trivial) when you still have the media. I've just come off a 14 hour shift and I don't think I'm up to making sense right now, but if you can bare with me I should be able to find time tomorrow to read through your posts and suggest a way forward.



Mar 22, 2017 1:55 PM in response to turingtest2

I GREATLY appreciate your help. NP on the slowness, hopefully your future days will not be as long. I've had what I think is great progress and hopefully did not screw things up.

Ref the .itl file, yes ..\Music\iTunes\Previous iTunes Libraries\iTunes Library 2016-09-26.itl is the newest .itl file. I followed your instructions, I had previously did this but I did it again. After copying the .itl file and using it in iTunes everything still looked the same. At this point I decided to implement the correct folder structure but before I did I made a backup of everything.

After creating the new structure iTunes could not find the .itl file, I went through the steps to point to the renamed iTunes Library 2016-09-26.itl file and I could see about half of the music in iTunes. If I look at Edit > Preferences > Advanced I see C:\Users\username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media thus iTunes is now using the new structure I created for iTunes and states that there are 3432 items (Music) in iTunes but I know that there are just over 6K music items. How do I update iTunes so it will see all of the music.


Mar 22, 2017 2:43 PM in response to jgtiii

jgtiii wrote:

I just compared my backup of the music folder to the iTunes music folder and the contents are the same thus it just seems that iTunes is not displaying all of the music in the folder. I'm confused again!

iTunes doesn't show the contents of the media folder, it shows what has been added to the library over time. If your library file has become corrupted it may show nothing, your purchases, or only some of what had previously been added.



Mar 22, 2017 4:09 PM in response to jgtiii

OK!!!! I think I now have the music correctly. I was able to sync the phone to iTunes. I then compared the updated iTunes Music folder to my backed up copy and I see music in iTunes that was previously not there, e.g. it was on the phone but now in iTunes. This is very good.

However I still have a problem with the Audiobooks. In iTunes I have the folder ...\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\AudioBooks and it contains one book. In iTunes when I expand the iPhone section I see a folder Audiobooks but it is empty after syncing the iPhone and iTunes. On the iPhone 6 I don't see the Audiobook folder when I look in the menu (assuming I'm looking in the correct place). Suggestions?


Mar 24, 2017 6:01 PM in response to turingtest2

turingtest2 wrote:

Apple devices can also be a little funky with multi-track audiobooks. (It is just possible that they work better now than they used to, but I'm having trouble syncing at all right now so I cannot test.)

Well I'm pleased to report that on iOS devices at least audiobooks play in the same disc and track number order that they do in iTunes. so you shouldn't need the tips from the Audiobooks on iPods link. I wonder when that got fixed? 😕



itunes not showing music

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