Cybertron03 wrote:
Aren't you concerned about you're data ? I have Antivirus protection on my android & personal computer. It doesn't seem to work on iPhone though, it's concerning.
Android and iOS are very different things. Android is the Windows XP of the mobile world. It's horribly insecure and can be difficult or impossible to keep up-to-date, depending on your phone hardware and provider. If you don't have anti-virus on an Android device, you're making a big mistake.
iOS is commonly considered to be the most secure mobile system. Due to the security restrictions in iOS, no app can access the system or other apps, which means that anti-virus software is actually impossible on iOS. Such software wouldn't be able to do anything useful... it could scan itself and that's it.
There is some malware for iOS, but most of it only affects jailbroken devices, which means that someone would need unsupervised physical access to your iPhone to install such malware on it. Note that if you jailbreak your phone yourself, you'll be exposing it to the threat of malware.
There is also malware that can be remotely installed, but such malware is extremely rare and extremely expensive. The kinds of vulnerabilities in iOS that can be exploited for this purpose are sold on the black market for around $1,000,000, because they are so rare and hard to find. So, if you purchase or discover such a vulnerability, you don't use it in widespread malware that would be found by Apple, which would lead to that vulnerability being fixed, thus destroying a million dollar black-market "resource." Such malware is used exclusively by governments, and other extremely wealthy and powerful organizations, to spy on select, targeted individuals.
If you believe that you are someone who might be targeted for such an attack, by an adversary willing to spend millions to spy on you specifically, then you're not safe, no matter what electronics you use or what anti-virus software you install on them.
Otherwise, just use and enjoy your iPhone worry-free.
Do keep in mind what IdrisSeabright said about data leaving your phone, though... things like using unsecured wifi or falling for a phishing scam do not involve a defect in your device, they are simply a risk of engaging in internet activities in general.