Font Book seems to be having a fair number of problems in Sierra. There are at least three similar topics in just the past couple of days noting the same issues.
I did some testing of my own on a clean install of Sierra, 10.12.4 on an erased drive and got the same results. The italicized text is what I usually post when Font Book is doing things like not showing fonts, not allowing you to add them, etc. Usually, it works.
Typically, these types of issues in Font Book means its database is damaged. Close Font Book. Open the Preferences folder in your user account and put these two items in the trash.
Note that you may not find both. keeps track of Font Book's general preferences and activated fonts, whether as a standard or library collection. keeps track of deactivated fonts.
When testing FB in Sierra, I first created collection and a library set to see what would list under All Fonts. I couldn't even add anything to the library. FB would immediately crash. So I deleted the two .plist files and tried again. Now it behaved correctly. Or I should say, I could at least add fonts to both the collection and library sets without having FB take a dirt nap.
Fonts I added to a collection showed there and under All Fonts. But the ones I put in a library would only show in its own set. It wasn't until I quit FB and relaunched it that any fonts added to a library set would also appear under All Fonts.