I suspect you may want to check with your carrier and see what support they have for TTY on their cellular network. It may be they don't have any support for mobile TTY. In many areas it is necessary to have a base station type TTY instrument, but I've also seen here in the US, where much of that has become obsolete, especially for emergency services.
I have been at this for hrs,, I did the chat version to my carrier and they are telling me to call member services, if I could talk on the phone that would have been my first option,, this is hopeless
Ok maybe I am misunderstanding how tty works, I thought the iPhone had the software for tty so that I didn't have to use an external device ! I. Canada our iphones don't come with the software , I was hoping to not have to use an external device
So you are saying that if you go to Settings>General>Accessibility> and then look under Hearing, you do not see TTY? I know that cellular carrier files have the ability to restrict certain functions from the phone. If I go there with my US phone, I can see Software TTY, and Hardware TTY. I can turn that off/on. Under Software TTY, there is an explanation about using software from the phone app. I'm guessing I don't see anything in the Phone app since I don't have it turned on.
Answer or make TTY calls from your iPhone - Apple Support
It's the carriers that provide this, not Apple.
Approach your carrier and ask...
Sorry nobody here will know. We don't work for Apple.
You can submit your feedback to Apple using the following link:
The phone comes with tty software in the USA, I wanted to know if Canada is gonna the same software,
I'm sorry to hear that but Apple can't create the support for TTY in Canada.
The carriers have to. Apple's devices will use it if available.
It seems they all have their own solution.
Tty software in Canada?