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Nikon d850 raw support

When can we expect Nikon d850 raw support? Adobe ACR published it today, but i need native Apple support.

Posted on Sep 7, 2017 11:36 PM

72 replies
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Jan 2, 2018 6:57 AM in response to JackOandHisMac

The D850 is supported my macOS 10.13.2, but not by Aperture.

The RAW support seems to be installed in /System/Library/CoreServices/RawCameraSupport.bundle/Resources

When I look around in this bundle using the Terminal, I am seeing support files for the following formats:

There does not seem to be a RAWL file for the D850.

User uploaded file


Sep 8, 2017 2:15 AM in response to Kevin J. Doyle

It is true Apple stopped supporting camera raw updates to Aperture from about Feb this year, so any newer cameras raw files will not be able to open directly in Aperture. This was published on the 19 July 2017 with the latest updates listed at the bottom, Digital camera RAW formats supported by iOS 10 and macOS Sierra - Apple Support hopefully they will update it soon, but I wouldn't hold my breath that once the update is released that your Nikon will be supported in Aperture. There is also the possibility that support for your camera and other new cameras will only be supported in the new macOS High Sierra, as Sierra may have reached the end of its update cycle. Only possibilities mind.

If you want to check about others issues with Aperture being excluded from Camera Raw updates just scroll through the other discussions in this forum.


Oct 31, 2017 11:23 AM in response to Theartofshred

One might have hoped that since the update includes such trivia as "support for 70 new emoji, including food types, animals, mythical creatures, clothing options, more expressive smiley faces, gender-neutral characters and more", it would have included support for the Nikon D850.

However, the official announcement is curiously silent on the matter. See About the macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 Update - Apple Support


Dec 30, 2017 12:35 AM in response to J. York

Could you post a sample photo here for testing?

If the files are working in Preview it is weird, that they are not working in Photos. Have you tried to delete the photos from Photos and reimporting them?

The footnote in https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207972 says: . Nikon RAW L format only


Feb 20, 2018 11:17 AM in response to PixMan

The D850 Raw is supported in Photos, but only the L format.


It's been on that list a few months now.

so that their installed base of Aperture users will be able to continue using Aperture until Photos grows up

I admire your optimism but do not share it. Photos shows no signs of acquiring the serious file management capabilities of Aperture and I don't believe it ever will. Nothing Apple have said (and, as ever, that's very little) leads me to be optimistic. Photos is a consumer app aimed squarely at iPhone shooters. That's not a pro app.


Sep 8, 2017 12:04 AM in response to Kevin J. Doyle

When Apple release the latest addition to its Apple Camera RAW it will only support Preview and Photos, Apple stopped supporting Aperture a while ago so any new cameras raw images will not be recognised in Aperture. You can use Adobes DNG converter and then import the DNGs to Aperture.


Sep 8, 2017 12:33 AM in response to Eau Rouge

I don't believe that to be true unless something is changed radically in the four months that I've owned my Fuji GFX. Apple may have stop supporting Aperture but the camera raw module is a system resource that translates to any app calling it directly. My Fuji GFX RAW files work fine in Aperture, as do my Nikon D500 and D5, all cameras released after Apple stopped supporting Aperture. Apple camera raw also supports applications like photo mechanic and Posterino 3 (where it still reads aperture libraries directly), portrait pro, etc.

i'm just wondering for an ETA on when Apple support the D850 in the camera raw directly.


Oct 3, 2017 11:10 PM in response to Kevin J. Doyle

It is ridiculous that neither Apple nor Adobe Lightroom support the Nikon D850 as of yet. The 850 was released almost a month ago. Both Apple and Adobe should have been fully aware of this camera coming and should have been able to have support for the D850 almost on day 1 of it's release. No excuses.


Oct 4, 2017 1:27 AM in response to pghdad

The 850 was released almost a month ago. Both Apple and Adobe should have been fully aware of this camera coming and should have been able to have support for the D850 almost on day 1 of it's release.

For a camera with a complete new sensor, and Nikon keeping the details secret for its 100 years jubilee? There has been nothing but rumors about leaked tech specs for the new camera. We cannot know, if Nikon provided the software companies with the technical details so they could develop RAW support in advance before the release date. Apple's raw support is released as part of the system updates. So it would have needed the specifications many month ahead of the macOS 10.13 High Sierra release.


Oct 4, 2017 12:44 PM in response to pghdad

I am happy to report that Capture One Pro fully supports the D850, and does so beautifully. The output is better than Nikon's own NX-D, and WAY better than the current output from ACR. I am just experimenting with the program right now, but I like the interface better than Lightroom, and it is very responsive. It has a 30 day full feature trial, and that is where I will be working for the moment. I don't care about Apple supporting the D850, unless Aperture does because the rest of their software does nothing for me.

I lament the inability for Aperture to work here...I have been an avid user since beta, with now over 400TB of images cataloged. I tried converting the D850 files to DNG to use in Aperture, the results are disappointing, to say the least, but that is on Adobe. I will probably import the keepers into Aperture after adjusting in Capture One for now.

Also Photo Mechanic works fine with the 850 files for what I use it for, fast culling, cropping and ingest/backup only.


Oct 4, 2017 6:08 PM in response to Kevin J. Doyle

My need for Apple to support the D850 is not for Aperture - it's for image display in things like Finder. I walked from Aperture when Apple pulled the plug (yes, I, too was not happy about what Apple did given I had about 200K images in Aperture). At that time I invested significantly in Lightroom - migrating many images to LR (I was an Adobe beta user on the migration tool), and have little interest in moving to yet another organizer/lead image editor, like Capture One.

That being said, I am curious what you mean by "output is better than Nikon's own NX-D, and WAY better than the current output from ACR." What specifically is better?

Until Adobe supports the D850's NEF files, is there any downside to converting the DNG for use in Lightroom? Do I lose any image quality? And for those DNG experts, what's the advantage to including the original NEF in the DNG file (that's one of the converter preference settings), vs just keeping the NEFs separate for future optional access?



Oct 4, 2017 8:11 PM in response to pittsburghdad

OK well the good news is that you can download a full-featured 30 day trial of capture one. Do that, loading a bunch of the 850 raw files and compare them yourself.

Everyone that I’ve sent that way in the past couple of weeks as agreed capture one does a better job, better color, better skin tones. Very obvious, and while everything in photography is somewhat subjective not a single person that has played with that has disagreed.

DNGs do cause a loss in fidelity. Given the lousy stage of the current ACR conversions, DNG are going to be Equally bad.


Oct 6, 2017 8:28 AM in response to Kevin J. Doyle

Apple always tries to force the latest system on you with the latest bugs.

A buggy free system is impossible if you follow Apples ideal upgrade path.

This is one of those things to force you- for sure only 10.13 gets d850 support ( in the end) to force you to new APFS bugs or bugs in old software that used to work perfectly.

Every new system gets updated programs like Keynote etc that are not downwards competable and the old versions cannot be downloaded anymore...

Not very nice to say the least.

they seem to think the future is now, but it never is.


Nikon d850 raw support

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