It’s likely this has already occurred to you and I think you mentioned it’s working but I wanted to put this here for others. So the New Move and New Excercise achievements are based on the highest number you achieved of either in the first 10 days. I think everyone gets that but what throws you off is where it says “ your personal best is 0” - That is what’s incorrect. There is indeed a number - but the app doesn’t actually report that initial value, so you have to look at each of your first 10 days to determine what that is. It does also take a day for it to get awarded, simply because you’re “counter” for those two achievements doesn’t stop until midnight.
Over the course of multiple days and once with Apple support. I
had done it all, twice. Everything from rebooting both (phone+watch) devices , repairing, and erasing and resetting them without backups so they were both new. Many other achievements were lost to get us this data, including my thanksgiving day away d from a turkey trot. RIP turkey 5k award. Anyway, After the clean reset I worked out as usual and waited patiently for 10 days and then worked out as usual again and I STILL didn’t get the achievement and it still said my best was 0. I was pretty angry at this point but stubborn. I had to go in and manually add my excercise minutes and also note the move calories. Found the target number for each and Made it a point to exceed that number for each and the following day the achievements came in.
Having said that, I also was at 200% once but I earned it during those first 10 days so of course that was hard to replicate. I don’t know if that was the case for you or not and I’m not trying to declare it a non issue, and you may have gone in manually and looked already. Its entirely possible it was indeed broken the first time for me, but I never looked. It’s also very much an issue that it reads “your personal best is 0” as it of course makes one assume that the app captured no actual historical data for that benchmark. I just wanted to share my experiences in the hope that someone else is saved a lot of time.
The end goal is the trouble shooting steps and I wanted to summarize for anyone new reading. Apple I hope you’re also reading this Incase you get more phone calls like mine. It should START with a review of your move and excercise numbers for the first 10 days ; record the actual benchmarks (highest number) for each . Next, compare that to what you’ve done since the 11th day - and don’t assume it’s broken until at least the 12th day. If in doing so you determine that on day 11+ you have exceeded that bench mark then you can start troubleshooting by walking through the big steps below. I would wait a day after each step, give it time to do its nightly reset. I honestly would also HIGHLY consider a visit to the Genius Bar before steps 3,4. Those are drastic. Good luck
1. Reboot each
2. Unpair , then repair the watch and restore watch from backup
3. Unpair, the. Repair watch and treat watch as NEW
4. Unpair watch, Reset phone, treat both as NEW