I'm having similar problems. At first it would pair with my car, but nothing worked and it kept dropping and reconnecting. I searched online and found suggestions, and tried them all except for factory resetting my iPhone 8 and starting over. So far I'm at the point where I deleted my phone from the car, deleted all bluetooth pairings from the phone. Turned off the car, turned off bluetooth on the phone, and restarted the phone. At this point I started the car, turned bluetooth back on on the phone and repaired. The connect/disconnect/reconnect is still happening, but not as frequently (minutes instead of seconds), and when it is connected, everything appears to work. I hope they can fix this in a new firmware and it isn't a hardware problem. I do also have my iPhone paired to our home phone, and I'm not having the same problem with it. It's not a signal strength issue as I have have my iPhone on another floor in the furthest point in the house from the base station that it is paired to, and the bluetooth still works.