I have spoken to a Sr. Tech about this and these were there recommendation and it worked for me:
Turn off "Mirror my Phone" on Mail, Messages and Phone. In each these select "Custom" with all "Alerts" turned on. In the Mail, select "Custom", Alerts - ON and iCloud turned ON.
With respect to "Alarms", go to "Notifications" and "Clock" and make sure you have "Push Alerts from iPhone".
Then check out this Apple site to see the 'methods' to insure you get notifications to your Watch. Even a Sr. Tech didn't know these things. Drove me crazy until I found this web site which explained it all.
Notifications on your Apple Watch - Apple Support
It will explain, most importantly, that you iPhone must be "On" but not 'open/active' in order to get notifications. If your iPhone is open, all notifications will go to your iPhone. This is because the assumption is you are using your iPhone and should get your notifications there. With the iPhone 'closed' but "ON", the notifications will go to your Watch.
In order to get messages and mail forwarded to your Watch, your iPhone must be "ON" even if it is not located anywhere near your Watch. Leave it at home...ok, but leave it on.
Another thing I learned through hours of trail and error was with using Siri to make Reminders. You can not delete items in Reminders. It will force you to go to your iPhone to delete an item. You can add an item from the Watch but not delete. All you can do on the Watch is mark the item as "completed" by selecting the 'dot' next to the item and then delete it from your iPhone. Also, Siri has a real problem recognizing "To Do List" on your Watch. Unless it is the "Default List" in Settings on your iPhone, Siri won't recognize it using it on your Watch. Siri on your iPhone does recognize it...go figure. Siri does recognize "Shopping List" and "Groceries List" on the Watch but not "To Do List" unless it is the 'default list' in settings on the iPhone.
Hope this helps you. It would have saved me hours with Apple Support and more hours working on my own.