How to Disable Screen Recording
Streaming Iphone 6 to apple TV getting message Warning please disable screen recording to continue streaming?
iPhone 6, iOS 11.0.3, Direct TV to Apple TV using IPHONE
Streaming Iphone 6 to apple TV getting message Warning please disable screen recording to continue streaming?
iPhone 6, iOS 11.0.3, Direct TV to Apple TV using IPHONE
Thank You for your time, effort and Support it is greatly appreciated; however this did not solve the issue, the real issue is with the DirectTV app and IOS 11.
I spent an hour on chat with Apple and we proved that I can stream using other apps like Amazon with no issues, so it appears that the DirectTV app is the issue with IOS 11.
I have posted this to the DirectTV support site and I am waiting on a response.
I have four different Apple devices, one is an older IPAD, it has the latest IOS for the device and it works fine, I had two Iphone 6's with the latest IOS and they both failed, I also had an I phone 7 with the latest IOS and it also fails.
Apple says that the Screen Recording was added with IOS 11.
So I was seeing the error message while attempting to use the ABC app itself, but when I accessed ABC via web browser I was able to view content on my tv via hdmi adapter connected to my iPhone. I don’t have Apple TV, but i would try viewing content on the web browser of your choice if that makes sense, like the ABC app.
I use a lightning port to HDMI dock to play content from my iPhone to my TV. When the iOS 11 update happened I received error messages, from the apps that I watch content from, that I must disable screen recording and mirroring to continue watching. Restarting the app or my phone is not the problem. The problem is that the apps have stopped providing a service that has historically been permitted.
Yep the same exact scenario is happening with me as well with the ABC’s a conspiracy I tell you!!! I mean it is defeating the purpose and literally going backwards. Who wants watch tv programming on their mobile device only?! Unbelievable.
I have the same issue with Xfinity. I even tried setting the restrictio on Screen Record but that didn’t help either. This is definitely a bug with iOS 11. It’s almost making the Apple TV worthless. One it’s great features of using Screen Mirroring is totally useless with iOS 11.
This should not be marked “solved”. There are many instances where apps no longer allow screen mirroring, asking for the user to disable screen recording when it already has been disabled. Im sure apple will say developers need to update their code but this is a painful bug created by a new feature.
I’m having the same issue with the directv app, followed all the instructions and shut down screen recording in restrictions, it still will not work
Yes the same things is happing to me I want to mirrior onto my tv and it won't let me bkuz of screen stared happening when I updated the iPad to iOS 11
I have the same issue with the Xfinity app when trying to watch recorded show and stream to Apple TV.
Yes, me too directv app,but it never really works anyway when you're out of your home.
Not 100% correct as the DirecTV App works just fine on older versions of the IOS, it did not start to fail until IOS 11.0?
I tried all of the above. I purchased Apple TV to specifically be able to mirror from my iPad. is this something that apple is going to fix, NOW, or shall I return the Apple TV?
From what I’m reading this Directv app issue is something they will not fix. They want you to use the app only on mobile devices and purchase boxes/genies for TVs.
How to Disable Screen Recording