Hang on a second....
manniquin wrote:
But older cords definitely don’t work on the newer iPod.
You said you had an iPod Classic, which is an older iPod, not a "newer" one.
Older cables (cords) do work with the iPod Classic. I use several cables of different ages with my Classic and a nano in my car, without any issues. (Classic is now not working...)
So, let's check this, one step at a time. Your iPod looks like the one below, correct?

Above is an iPod Classic, together with "older cords". There is however, a sting-in-the-tail in the picture (can you see it tt2?). I'll come back to it later.
I suspect that the shop staff are used to people referring to every iPod model as a "classic", so they probably blot out that particular word. If you mentioned a "newer iPod" and "6th generation" when buying your new cable, I would expect you to be offered one like that shown below, even if you mentioned "classic":

Above is the lightning connector, which fits newer iPods, such as this one below - the iPod Touch 6th generation:

So if you have an iPod Classic, with the wide 30-pin connector, then the cable in this link, from Apple: Apple 30-pin to USB Cable - Apple should work. It's known by Apple as the Apple 30-pin to USB Cable. Is that what you were sold?
And the sting-in-the-tail?

The Samsung cable, which looks like a 30-pin Apple dock connector will not fit any 30-pin iPod.
* slight edit to change wording.