how to upload photo folders to icloud
I have organized my photos under folders, how do I upload photo folders to icloud?
Windows 7
I have organized my photos under folders, how do I upload photo folders to icloud?
Windows 7
Kashnet wrote:
I have organized my photos under folders, how do I upload photo folders to icloud?
As Allen explained clearly:
iCloud photo features do not speak 'folder'. All photos live in one big 'ALL PHOTO' album and get organized into smaller albums or by keywords. It is a flat organization method, not nested as folders are.
I was wondering why also here Apple leaves the end-user behind. Most people (when coming from a Windows PC for example where you have imported a plethora of photos from your Camera or whatever) have their photos organized in folders. Why does Apple not offer it's users of iCloud Photo Library for Windows the option to convert folders to albums? A service like Amazon Prime Photos does this for example. When you import your photos with their related folders to the Amazon Cloud, your folder-names get converted to album-names. At least that is what I read (I don't use Amazon Prime Photos myself, so I can't test it). Wouldn't it be handy if Apple Photo Library for Windows would allow us to convert our folder names to album names? Or maybe I am overlooking the reason/thought behind why Apple chooses not to do so.
Kashnet wrote:
I have organized my photos under folders, how do I upload photo folders to icloud?
As Allen explained clearly:
iCloud photo features do not speak 'folder'. All photos live in one big 'ALL PHOTO' album and get organized into smaller albums or by keywords. It is a flat organization method, not nested as folders are.
I was wondering why also here Apple leaves the end-user behind. Most people (when coming from a Windows PC for example where you have imported a plethora of photos from your Camera or whatever) have their photos organized in folders. Why does Apple not offer it's users of iCloud Photo Library for Windows the option to convert folders to albums? A service like Amazon Prime Photos does this for example. When you import your photos with their related folders to the Amazon Cloud, your folder-names get converted to album-names. At least that is what I read (I don't use Amazon Prime Photos myself, so I can't test it). Wouldn't it be handy if Apple Photo Library for Windows would allow us to convert our folder names to album names? Or maybe I am overlooking the reason/thought behind why Apple chooses not to do so.
I have organized my photos under folders, how do I upload photo folders to icloud?
iCloud photo features do not speak 'folder'. All photos live in one big 'ALL PHOTO' album and get organized into smaller albums or by keywords. It is a flat organization method, not nested as folders are.
Feedback for Apple goes here >>>
Thanks. Looks like I will have to create Albums on iOS. Would have been better if folder names converted to album names as you have suggested.
Thanks. It will break my folder structure, but hopefully Apple does something better...
how to upload photo folders to icloud