error 0xc000007b
Lately (since the last update) I can't open Itunes anymore and it gives me error 0xc000007b.
I have windows 7 64-bit.
Any ideas/ help would be greatly appreciated!
Windows 7, 0xc000007b
Lately (since the last update) I can't open Itunes anymore and it gives me error 0xc000007b.
I have windows 7 64-bit.
Any ideas/ help would be greatly appreciated!
Windows 7, 0xc000007b
The general troubleshooting advice when iTunes fails to install properly (and reinstalling or repairing it does not work) is to remove not only iTunes but ALL related components, reboot, remove the target installation folders and reinstall. See the Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components section of turingtest2's guide at:
The general troubleshooting advice when iTunes fails to install properly (and reinstalling or repairing it does not work) is to remove not only iTunes but ALL related components, reboot, remove the target installation folders and reinstall. See the Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components section of turingtest2's guide at:
See Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates. If the current version won't work for you after a full tear down and reinstall you should try the previous one, and then the one before, rather than making a big leap back. If you have devices running iOS 11 you will need iTunes or better.
I encounter this error on my dad‘s notebook running Windows 10. On startup, I get a notification that APSDaemon.exe couldn’t be started properly, giving me that very error code.
Additionally, the most recent iTunes version ( is running ridiculously slow. Any advice on that?
I already tried reinstalling, I even went back to a 12.5 release but it doesn’t work properly.
As he will get my old iPad Air 2 he requires iOS 11 support. On said notebook, iTunes still doesn’t work in your proposed version. However, we still have a Windows 7 device at hand which happens to be his iPhone’s library. We’ll rely on that one. Thanks for your help anyway!
Your music will be fine, however you really ought to consider maintaining a backup. See Backup your iTunes for Windows library with SyncToy for a suggested approach.
Does this effect any of my music?
Btw Thank you for the respons.
You're welcome. 🙂
You may have missing DLL files: 8-8-1/
error 0xc000007b