Understanding Activity Monitor
In case it matters, the screen shots included with the questions came from this computer:
I had believed that VM is NOT part of real memory (in this case, the 4GB indicated above). However, the Activity Monitor seems to suggest otherwise. When I hover over the Compressed Memory label, I get the following explanatory message that kinda implies that Compressed Memory is Virtual Memory.
Unfortunately, when I go to the bottom of the screen, the summary information contradicts my belief and adds an additional confusing factor. App Memory + Wired Memory + Compressed = Memory Used (approximately).
This computer has 4GB of hardware RAM. IN THIS EXAMPLE, how much of that 4GB is being used? To me, the term "Wired Memory" suggests that that is the figure but "Memory Used" is 2.82G. What is Wired Memory? What is App Memory (with this confusion I'm not about to make an assumption)? What is Compressed Memory? Why is it that App Memory plus Wired Memory plus Compressed does not exactly equal Memory Used?
Going further, is there any way to determine how much of the 4G hardware RAM is being used by the MacOS?
iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2017), macOS High Sierra (10.13.2)