No Home Sharing with HomePod
IMHO, this is a major fail on Apple's part. They've already taken enough flak in the tech press about how inadequate Siri is compared to the other AI devices. The ONLY reason I was considering purchase of a HomePod to replace the Amazon Echo in our kitchen was the ability to share my 7500-song Mac library with it and tell Siri to play whatever is in that library. About 60% of that library is from iTunes; the remainder are tracks that I ripped thru many hours/years of effort from my CD library, including many classical and jazz tracks. I just knew that, once I paired my Mac with the HomePod (similar to Apple TV), I would be able to tell Siri what track I wanted to hear from that entire library... sadly, that is obviously not the case. FWIW, some of the ripped tracks were done years ago with SoundJam MP, the original software that Apple bought to create iTunes. I built that library over years of use of Apple products, and am totally dismayed by the lack of Apple foresight/support of its long-term product users. I understand the business logic of tying Apple Music to the HomePod, but not allowing the flexibility to share existing libraries is unconscionable and takes the HomePod out of contention from use in this household. Sorry, guys, from this long-term Apple user's perspective, you blew it on this one.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Yosemite (10.10.4)