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I have a 120GB SSD that I'd like to return to one Mac partition

Hello, I'm also having this issue.

I have a 120GB SSD that I'd like to return to one Mac partition. BC gives me an error saying it looks to have been partitioned with a different utility. Diskutil list produces:

Last login: Fri Mar 23 00:41:41 on console

Stephens-iMac:~ tig$ diskutil list

/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):


0: GUID_partition_scheme *1.0 TB disk0

1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS HDD 999.9 GB disk0s2

/dev/disk1 (internal, physical):


0: GUID_partition_scheme *121.3 GB disk1

1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1

2: Microsoft Basic Data BOOTCAMP 68.3 GB disk1s2

3: EFI NO NAME 104.9 MB disk1s3

4: Microsoft Reserved 16.8 MB disk1s4

5: Apple_APFS Container disk2 52.5 GB disk1s5

/dev/disk2 (synthesized):


0: APFS Container Scheme - +52.5 GB disk2

Physical Store disk1s5

1: APFS Volume Untitled 17.3 GB disk2s1

2: APFS Volume Preboot 21.5 MB disk2s2

3: APFS Volume Recovery 509.8 MB disk2s3

4: APFS Volume VM 3.2 GB disk2s4

/dev/disk3 (external, physical):


0: FDisk_partition_scheme *15.5 GB disk3

1: DOS_FAT_32 WININSTALL 15.5 GB disk3s1

/dev/disk4 (disk image):


0: w_10_pro_x64 +3.4 GB disk4

/dev/disk5 (disk image):


0: Boot Camp +2.8 GB disk5

Any help would be appreciated!

Posted on Mar 22, 2018 4:55 PM


Similar questions

29 replies

Mar 24, 2018 5:22 AM in response to stephenfromdarwin

Apple has an article How to fix a split Fusion Drive - Apple Support. I prefer to run the commands by hand to ensure there are no issues.

Restart the Mac, into Internet Recovery, and use the following steps as a reference. Once in Terminal, we need to erase both internal physical disks. Booting in Recovery can renumber disks, so we need to be careful on the next steps. If you run diskutil list, you will see two internal drives. One is your 121GB SSD part, the second is your 1TB HDD part. I will call the SSD as disk0, and HDD as disk1. If they are different, adjust the steps accordingly.

Steps should be

  • Erase the SSD - diskutil eraseDisk jhfs+ SSD disk0
  • Erase the HDD - diskutil eraseDisk jhfs+ HDD disk1
  • Create the Fusion (CS) Volume Group - diskutil cs create macOS-LVG disk0s2 disk1s2 (please ensure the SSD is first).
  • The previous step will output a long string similar to, which I will use as an example.


  • Create the Fusion (CS) Volume - diskutil cs createVolume F5D64E6C-7796-48E9-955E-46429D58A9BF "Macintosh HD" 100% . The "100%" allocates the entire capacity of the two combined drives to "Macintosh HD".
  • Post the output of diskutil cs list, before we go further.

Mar 22, 2018 5:51 PM in response to stephenfromdarwin

Your original configuration is a 1TB Fusion drive, which you seem to have split. BC Assistant does not recognize this 'non-standard' layout. Is there a specific reason fro such a layout?

Since you have split the SSD as a separate disk, High Sierra has converted this to APFS, but it should stay a 'Fusion' drive to allow BCA to work with a standard Fusion drive layout.

Mar 23, 2018 4:58 PM in response to Loner T

Thanks for the reply and sorry about the duplicate post.

I'm a new Mac user and not even entirely sure what a fusion drive is, part is spinning and part isn't? I bought the mac second hand and it has always offered me 2 options for drives, the SSD and HDD. I'm happy with whatever configuration is likely to work best. I've only had the mac a short time so it has no programs or files loaded yet, happy to do a fresh install.

Ideally I'd like to have osx and windows running as optimally as possible, someone told me trying to fit both oS on the ssd was a mistake. My partner will use the osx for slightly less demanding tasks, I'll probably use the windows side for a bit of gaming and video editing. If you could suggest the way forward is be much appreciated! Mac also has 32gb ram, 4gb video card and 3.5ghz processor. Thanks :)

Mar 26, 2018 9:55 PM in response to Loner T

-bash-3.2# diskutil apfs list

APFS Container (1 found)


+-- Container disk3 62F823D0-2867-41E6-A27A-40570F0C4DF4


APFS Container Reference: disk3

Capacity Ceiling (Size): 52529442816 B (52.5 GB)

Capacity In Use By Volumes: 19580690432 B (19.6 GB) (37.3% used)

Capacity Available: 32948752384 B (32.9 GB) (62.7% free)


+-< Physical Store disk0s5 2A24C605-847F-42B7-80EA-F28390911C11

| -----------------------------------------------------------

| APFS Physical Store Disk: disk0s5

| Size: 52529442816 B (52.5 GB)


+-> Volume disk3s1 FA9E6AFF-7AB6-40F9-B0A3-0CD10F094806

| ---------------------------------------------------

| APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk3s1 (No specific role)

| Name: Untitled (Case-insensitive)

| Mount Point: /Volumes/Untitled

| Capacity Consumed: 15710171136 B (15.7 GB)

| FileVault: No


+-> Volume disk3s2 100E4A40-7416-45A4-9483-D8DE95F1A780

| ---------------------------------------------------

| APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk3s2 (Preboot)

| Name: Preboot (Case-insensitive)

| Mount Point: Not Mounted

| Capacity Consumed: 21528576 B (21.5 MB)

| FileVault: No


+-> Volume disk3s3 75FC200C-9720-4251-8908-6B63B94EA063

| ---------------------------------------------------

| APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk3s3 (Recovery)

| Name: Recovery (Case-insensitive)

| Mount Point: Not Mounted

| Capacity Consumed: 509820928 B (509.8 MB)

| FileVault: No


+-> Volume disk3s4 D499FEFE-A2D3-432A-ACE0-595531538822


APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk3s4 (VM)

Name: VM (Case-insensitive)

Mount Point: Not Mounted

Capacity Consumed: 3221245952 B (3.2 GB)

FileVault: No


Mar 27, 2018 1:27 AM in response to stephenfromdarwin


diskutil apfs deleteVolume D499FEFE-A2D3-432A-ACE0-595531538822

diskutil apfs deleteVolume 75FC200C-9720-4251-8908-6B63B94EA063

diskutil apfs deleteVolume 100E4A40-7416-45A4-9483-D8DE95F1A780

diskutil apfs deleteVolume FA9E6AFF-7AB6-40F9-B0A3-0CD10F094806

diskutil apfs deleteContainer 62F823D0-2867-41E6-A27A-40570F0C4DF4

diskutil eraseDisk jhfs+ SSD disk0

Please post back the session output, so we can check for errors.

Mar 27, 2018 2:12 AM in response to Loner T

-bash-3.2# diskutil apfs deleteVolume D499FEFE-A2D3-432A-ACE0-595531538822

Started APFS operation

Deleting APFS Volume from its APFS Container

Unmounting disk3s4

Deleting Volume

Finished APFS operation

-bash-3.2# diskutil apfs deleteVolume 75FC200C-9720-4251-8908-6B63B94EA063

Started APFS operation

Deleting APFS Volume from its APFS Container

Unmounting disk3s3

Deleting Volume

Finished APFS operation

-bash-3.2# diskutil apfs deleteVolume 100E4A40-7416-45A4-9483-D8DE95F1A780

Started APFS operation

Deleting APFS Volume from its APFS Container

Unmounting disk3s2

Deleting Volume

Finished APFS operation

-bash-3.2# diskutil apfs deleteVolume FA9E6AFF-7AB6-40F9-B0A3-0CD10F094806

Started APFS operation

Deleting APFS Volume from its APFS Container

Unmounting disk3s1

Deleting Volume

Finished APFS operation

-bash-3.2# diskutil apfs deleteContainer 62F823D0-2867-41E6-A27A-40570F0C4DF4

Started APFS operation on disk3

Deleting APFS Container with all of its APFS Volumes

Unmounting Volumes

Deleting Volumes

Deleting Container

Wiping former APFS disks

Switching content types

Reformatting former APFS disks

Initialized /dev/rdisk0s5 as a 49 GB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal

Mounting disk

1 new disk created or changed due to APFS operation

Disk from APFS operation: disk0s5

Finished APFS operation on disk3

-bash-3.2# diskutil eraseDisk jhfs+ SSD disk0

Mar 27, 2018 3:07 AM in response to Loner T

Ok done 🙂

-bash-3.2# diskutil eraseDisk jhfs+ SSD disk0

Started erase on disk0

Unmounting disk

Creating the partition map

Waiting for partitions to activate

Formatting disk0s2 as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) with name SSD

Initialized /dev/rdisk0s2 as a 113 GB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume with a 16384k journal

Mounting disk

Finished erase on disk0


Mar 27, 2018 12:18 PM in response to Loner T

Ok, I think I got all that done correctly...

-bash-3.2# diskutil cs list

CoreStorage logical volume groups (1 found)


+-- Logical Volume Group 8DC1E2A4-6FB1-42C9-BABD-187126EC1C38


Name: macOS-LVG

Status: Online

Size: 1120849764352 B (1.1 TB)

Free Space: 1114994507776 B (1.1 TB)


+-< Physical Volume CCF211C6-6BD4-4EE7-B307-035B62B12439

| ----------------------------------------------------

| Index: 0

| Disk: disk0s2

| Status: Online

| Size: 120988852224 B (121.0 GB)


+-< Physical Volume 8DD7CF3E-0D57-4334-BF88-703C35767E18


Index: 1

Disk: disk1s2

Status: Online

Size: 999860912128 B (999.9 GB)


Mar 28, 2018 12:02 PM in response to Loner T

-bash-3.2# diskutil cs createVolume 8DC1E2A4-6FB1-42C9-BABD-187126EC1C38 "Macintosh HD" 100%

Usage: diskutil coreStorage createVolume lvgUUID|lvgName type name size

[-stdinpassphrase | -passphrase [passphrase]]

Add a new logical volume to a CoreStorage logical volume group.

Type is the file system to initialize on the new logical volume. Valid types

are Journaled HFS+ or Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+ or their aliases.

Size is the amount of space to allocate from the parent logical volume group.

Valid sizes are floating-point numbers with a suffix of B(ytes), S(512-byte-

blocks), K(ilobytes), M(egabytes), G(igabytes), T(erabytes), P(etabytes),

or (%) a percentage of the current size of the logical volume group.

Example: diskutil coreStorage createVolume

11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555 jhfs+ myLV 10g

-bash-3.2# diskutil cs list

CoreStorage logical volume groups (1 found)


+-- Logical Volume Group 8DC1E2A4-6FB1-42C9-BABD-187126EC1C38


Name: macOS-LVG

Status: Online

Size: 1120849764352 B (1.1 TB)

Free Space: 1114994507776 B (1.1 TB)


+-< Physical Volume CCF211C6-6BD4-4EE7-B307-035B62B12439

| ----------------------------------------------------

| Index: 0

| Disk: disk0s2

| Status: Online

| Size: 120988852224 B (121.0 GB)


+-< Physical Volume 8DD7CF3E-0D57-4334-BF88-703C35767E18


Index: 1

Disk: disk1s2

Status: Online

Size: 999860912128 B (999.9 GB)


Mar 29, 2018 12:34 AM in response to Loner T

I did the following...was that an error? I put in "core storage"...

Example: diskutil coreStorage createVolume

11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555 jhfs+ myLV 10g

-bash-3.2# 8DC1E2A4-6FB1-42C9-BABD-187126EC1C38 jhfs+ "Macintosh HD" 100%

-bash: 8DC1E2A4-6FB1-42C9-BABD-187126EC1C38: command not found

-bash-3.2# diskutil coreStorage createVolume 8DC1E2A4-6FB1-42C9-BABD-187126EC1C38 jhfs+ "Macintosh HD" 100%

Started CoreStorage operation

Waiting for Logical Volume to appear

Formatting file system for Logical Volume

Initialized /dev/rdisk3 as a 1 TB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume with a 90112k journal

Mounting disk

Core Storage LV UUID: CBF76D90-1680-42D6-B231-FF03798CDDA0

Core Storage disk: disk3

Finished CoreStorage operation


I have a 120GB SSD that I'd like to return to one Mac partition

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